我正在编写一个汇编器,该汇编器的指令使您可以更改处理器的模型,从而影响可解析的操作码集。我有两个解析器类,一个处理所有指令关键字,一个处理指令。 (针对不同的处理器型号,将会有更多)。当解析“ cpu”指令时,它将选择适当的指令解析器。这是一个非常简略的插图:
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
class ComposingParser {
sealed abstract class Statement {
case class Dinst(value: String) extends Statement
case class Keyword(value: String) extends Statement
class InstructionParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def directOpcode: Parser[Statement] = j | ldlp | pfix
private def j: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)J""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def ldlp: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)LDLP""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def pfix: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)PFIX""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
class KeywordParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def program: Parser[Statement] = keys | instruction // the main, top-level parser
def keys: Parser[Keyword] = start | end
private def start: Parser[Keyword] = """(?i)START""".r ^^ ( x => Keyword(x.toUpperCase) )
private def end: Parser[Keyword] = """(?i)END""".r ^^ ( x => Keyword(x.toUpperCase) )
private def instruction: Parser[Statement] = {
val ip = new InstructionParser // will be dynamically instantiating different parsers for different instruction sets so can't use traits
// Error:(46, 16) type mismatch;
// found : ip.Parser[ComposingParser.this.Statement]
// required: KeywordParser.this.Parser[ComposingParser.this.Statement]
// ip.directOpcode
// I can't use traits as in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2650254/scala-how-to-combine-parser-combinators-from-different-objects
// I can't see how to apply the solution from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40166258/reuse-parser-within-another-parser-with-scala-parser-combinators
// Is it possible to convert an 'ip.Parser[Statement]' into a 'KeywordParser.this.Parser[Statement]' ?
directOpcode和指令都返回Parser [Statement],为什么我不能这样组合它们?自我类型注释可以在这里提供帮助吗?在此先感谢您可以提供的任何帮助...(或显示其他引用的SO帖子中发布的解决方案可能有帮助的插图。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// uses `$ivy`-imports, either run with Ammonite, or remove the import and
// compile using SBT.
import $ivy.`org.scala-lang.modules:scala-parser-combinators_2.12:1.1.1`
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
class ComposingParser {
sealed abstract class Statement {
case class Dinst(value: String) extends Statement
case class Keyword(value: String) extends Statement
trait InstructionParser extends JavaTokenParsers {
def directOpcode: Parser[Statement] = j | ldlp | pfix
private def j: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)J""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def ldlp: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)LDLP""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def pfix: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)PFIX""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
trait InstructionParser2 extends JavaTokenParsers {
def directOpcode2: Parser[Statement] = j | ldlp | pfix
private def j: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)J""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def ldlp: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)LDLP""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
private def pfix: Parser[Dinst] = """(?i)PFIX""".r ^^ ( x => Dinst(x.toUpperCase) )
class KeywordParser extends JavaTokenParsers
with InstructionParser
with InstructionParser2 {
def program: Parser[Statement] = keys | instruction // the main, top-level parser
def keys: Parser[Keyword] = start | end
private def start: Parser[Keyword] = """(?i)START""".r ^^ ( x => Keyword(x.toUpperCase) )
private def end: Parser[Keyword] = """(?i)END""".r ^^ ( x => Keyword(x.toUpperCase) )
private def instruction: Parser[Statement] = {
if (math.random < 0.5) directOpcode else directOpcode2