
时间:2018-07-05 14:53:08

标签: r ggplot2 shiny


ui <- fluidPage( sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel(checkboxInput("all", "Select All", FALSE), tags$hr(),
fluidRow( column(6, checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup", label = ("Parameters"), choices = list("PHYSICAL ACTIVITY" = 1, "SLEEP" = 2 )))), fluidRow( column(10, actionButton("goButton", label = "Analysis Report")) )), #Sidebarpanel mainPanel( plotOutput("plot1", height='1200px'), downloadButton(outputId = "down", label = "Download the plot"), radioButtons(inputId = "var3", label = "Select the file type", choices = list("png", "pdf")) )#Mainpanel ) #Sidebar layout ) server <- function(input, output,session) { patient <- cbind.data.frame(seq(1:14),matrix(sample(1:100, 84), ncol=6)) colnames(patient) <- c('DAYS', 'PHYSICAL_ACTIVITY', 'SMOKING', 'ALCOHOL_INTAKE', 'HYDRATION', 'SLEEP', 'Total_score') p1 <- reactive({ if(!(1 %in% input$checkGroup)) return(NULL) ggplot(data=patient, aes(x=DAYS, y=PHYSICAL_ACTIVITY))+geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill=PHYSICAL_ACTIVITY<=median(PHYSICAL_ACTIVITY)), show.legend=F)+scale_fill_manual(values = c('steelblue', 'red') )+labs(title = 'PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (STEPS)', x = NULL, y = NULL)+theme_minimal() }) p2 <- reactive({ if(!(2 %in% input$checkGroup)) return(NULL) ggplot(data=patient, aes(x=DAYS,y=SLEEP))+geom_line(colour='black', size=1)+geom_point(size=3, aes(colour=cut(SLEEP,c(-Inf,summary(SLEEP)[[2]],summary(SLEEP)[[5]],Inf))), show.legend=F)+scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "orange","green"))+labs(title = 'SLEEP (hrs)', x = NULL, y = NULL) +theme_minimal() }) if(input$goButton > 0) output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
ptlist <- list(p1(),p2()) to_delete <- !sapply(ptlist,is.null) ptlist <- ptlist[to_delete] ggplot2.multiplot(ptlist, cols=1) }) #Renderplot end output$down <- downloadHandler( filename = function(){ paste("Report", input$var3, sep=".") }, content = function(file) { if(input$var3 == "png") png(file) else pdf(file) ggplot2.multiplot(ptlist, cols=1) dev.off() } ) } # End of server


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