如何修复-找不到对象“ Inputs2”。然后在R Shiny中获取最终图

时间:2018-07-04 19:47:26

标签: r shiny plotly

我不熟悉RStudio Shiny中的应用程序构建。我已经检查了以下代码中的所有内容,并且似乎可以一直进行到绘图为止,但是我无法获取任何绘图,并且服务器窗口显示错误:“找不到对象'Inputs2'。”任何帮助将不胜感激与代码。我的最终目标是获得情节。


# load data 
maindata <- read.csv("raw.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Define UI for application 
ui <- fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",

# Application title
titlePanel("Preferred Usage"),

# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
    h3("Enter Inputs",""),
    numericInput("qout1", "Output 1","0"),
    numericInput("qout2", "Output 2","0"),
    numericInput("qin1", "Input 1","0"),
    numericInput("qin2", "Input 2","0"),
    numericInput("qin3", "Input 3","0"),
    numericInput("pin1", "Price Input 1","0"),
    numericInput("pin2", "Price Input 2","0"),
    numericInput("pin3", "Price Input 3","0"),
    actionButton("runButton", "Run Analysis")


  # Show a plot of the generated distribution



server <- function(input, output) {

# The important part of reactiveValues()
values <- reactiveValues()
grph <- reactiveValues()
values$df <- maindata 
addData <- observe({

# your action button condition
if(input$runButton > 0) {
  # create the new line to be added from your inputs
  newLine <- isolate(c(input$qout1, input$qout2, input$qin1, input$qin2, input$qin3, input$pin1, input$pin2, input$pin3))
  # update your data
  # note the unlist of newLine, this prevents a bothersome warning message that the rbind will return regarding rownames because of using isolate.
  table1 <- isolate(values$df <- rbind(unlist(newLine), as.matrix(values$df)))

  # inputs and outputs for analysis
  y <- data.frame(table1[, 1:2])
  x <- data.frame(table1[, 3:5])
  w <- data.frame(table1[, 6:8])

  # function to do some analysis
  xopt <- cost.opt(x, y, w, RTS=1)

  # Fetch results
  results <- data.frame(xopt[["xopt"]])

  #Prepare data for plotting 
  Inputs <- c("Seed", "Fertilizer", "Power")
  Inputs2 <- as.numeric(c(x[1,]))
  Inputs3 <-  as.numeric(c(results[1,]))

  isolate(grph$try1 <- rbind(Inputs, Inputs2, Inputs3))

  grph$try1 <- data.frame(t(grph$try1))



output$coolplot <- renderPlotly({p <- plot_ly(data.frame(grph$try1), x = ~Inputs, y = ~Inputs2, type = 'bar', text = round(Inputs2, 2), textposition = 'auto', name = 'Inputs2', marker = list(color = 'rgb(204,204,204)')) %>%
add_trace(y = ~Inputs3, text = round(Inputs3, 2), textposition = 'auto', name = 'Inputs3', marker = list(color = 'rgb(49,130,189)')) %>%
layout(title = "Plot", barmode = 'group', yaxis = list(title = "Count"))})


# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


1-前5行的“ raw.csv”

structure(list(qout1 = c(6.278, 7.345, 6.609, 6.141, 8.653), 
qout2 = c(4.399, 5.423, 4.787, 3.947, 5.492), qin1 = c(1.719, 
3.422, 2.585, 2.308, 2.717), qin2 = c(0.891, 1.663, 1.018, 
1.484, 1.54), qin3 = c(0.906, 0.742, 0.826, 1.406, 1.621), 
pin1 = c(1.798, 0.675, 0.743, 1.76, 1.774), pin2 = c(3.377, 
2.871, 4.857, 3.19, 3.283), pin3 = c(6.42, 8.997, 9.13, 6.136, 
6.205)), row.names = c(NA, 5L), class = "data.frame")

2-服务器端代码中的“ table1”数据,前五行。由于新输入数据全为零,因此所有变量的第一行均为零:

structure(c(0, 6.278, 7.345, 6.609, 6.141, 0, 4.399, 5.423, 4.787, 
3.947, 0, 1.719, 3.422, 2.585, 2.308, 0, 0.891, 1.663, 1.018, 
1.484, 0, 0.906, 0.742, 0.826, 1.406, 0, 1.798, 0.675, 0.743, 
1.76, 0, 3.377, 2.871, 4.857, 3.19, 0, 6.42, 8.997, 9.13, 6.136
), .Dim = c(5L, 8L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("qout1", "qout2", 
"qin1", "qin2", "qin3", "pin1", "pin2", "pin3"))

3-最终,被馈送到用于分析的“ grph $ try1”数据是这样的,前五行:

structure(list(Inputs = structure(c(3L, 1L, 2L, NA, NA), .Label = 
c("Fertilizer", "Power", "Seed"), class = "factor"), Inputs2 = 
structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, NA, NA), .Label = "0", class = "factor"), 
Inputs3 = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, NA, NA), .Label = "0", class = 
"factor")), row.names = c("1", "2", "3", "NA", "NA.1"), class = 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的第一个问题是在计算assets.packages: class: \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages arguments: ['@assets._default_package'] public: true 之前绘制绘图。您可以通过包含这样的grph$try1语句来很容易地避免这种情况


您还希望将用户界面从output$coolplot <- renderPlotly({ req(!is.null(grph$try1)) p <- plot_ly( ... )}) 更改为plotOutput



您还需要添加isolate(grph$try1 <- data.frame(Inputs, Inputs2, Inputs3)) ,否则,舍入函数现在不必在内部舍入它们了。情节叫最终看起来像这样

