
时间:2018-07-04 14:54:45

标签: typescript dependency-injection typescript-typings


function Container<P extends { [name: string]: { (c: any): Promise<any> } }>(provider: P) {
    const cache: { [name in keyof P]?: Promise<any> } = {};

    const container = function(name: keyof P) {
        if (!cache[name]) {
            cache[name] = provider[name](container);

        return cache[name];

    return container;


class UserCache { }

class UserService {
    constructor(private cache: UserCache) { }

let container = Container({
    "cache": async c => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async c => new UserService(await c("cache"))

container("user-service").then(service => {




缺少的是对container的调用的通用返回类型,因此依次可以解决嵌套的服务查找(例如await c("cache"))并正确进行类型检查。< / p>


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


let container = Container({
    "cache": async c => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async c => new UserService(await c("cache"))


async c => new UserCache()



// let's start with imaginary type P which maps names to provided types

// and declare desired container type
type ContainerFunc<P> = <N extends keyof P>(n: N) => Promise<P[N]>;

// and its argument type
type ProviderType<P> = { [N in keyof P]: (c: ContainerFunc<P>) => Promise<P[N]> };

function Container<P>(provider: ProviderType<P>): ContainerFunc<P> {
    const cache: { [N in keyof P]?: Promise<P[N]> } = {};

    const container = function<N extends keyof P>(name: N): Promise<P[N]> {
        if (!cache[name]) {
            cache[name] = provider[name](container);

        return cache[name];

    return container;

class UserCache { cache: {} }

class UserService {
    constructor(private cache: UserCache) { }

let container = Container({
    "cache": async c => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async c => new UserService(await c("cache"))


type ContainerFunc<P> = <N extends keyof P>(n: N) => Promise<P[N]>;

type ProviderType<P> = { [N in keyof P]: () => Promise<P[N]> };

function Container<P>(provider: ProviderType<P>): ContainerFunc<P> {
    const cache: { [N in keyof P]?: Promise<P[N]> } = {};

    const container = function<N extends keyof P>(name: N): Promise<P[N]> {
        if (!cache[name]) {
            cache[name] = provider[name]();

        return cache[name];

    return container;

class UserCache { cache: {} }

class UserService {
    constructor(private cache: UserCache) { }

let container = Container({
    "cache": async () => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async () => new UserService(await container("cache"))



let container = Container({
    "cache": async () => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async (): Promise<UserService> => new UserService(await container("cache"))


let container = Container({
    "cache": async () => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async (): Promise<UserService> => new UserService(await container("user-service"))

// error: Argument of type 'UserService' is not assignable to parameter of type 'UserCache'.



type ContainerFunc<P> = <N extends keyof P>(n: N) => Promise<P[N]>;

type ProviderType<P> = { [N in keyof P]: (c: ContainerFunc<P>) => Promise<P[N]> };

function Container<P>(provider: ProviderType<P>): ContainerFunc<P> {
    const cache: { [N in keyof P]?: Promise<P[N]> } = {};

    const container = function<N extends keyof P>(name: N): Promise<P[N]> {
        if (!cache[name]) {
            cache[name] = provider[name](container);

        return cache[name];

    return container;

class UserCache { cache: {} }

class UserService {
    constructor(private cache: UserCache) { }

interface ProviderTypes {
    cache: UserCache;
    "user-service": UserService;

let container = Container<ProviderTypes>({
    "cache": async c => new UserCache(),
    "user-service": async c => new UserService(await c("cache"))

答案 1 :(得分:2)

正如@artem所提到的,如果被推断的类型以任何方式引用自身,编译器将拒绝推断对象文字的类型(这是一个完全的限制,编译器甚至会提及这一点),因此对于当前结构,您拥有@ artem的答案就是最好的选择。

您可以考虑的一种重构是不一次性添加提供程序,而是在容器构建器类上使用add方法。 add的返回类型将返回一个新的容器构建器,该容器可以解析到那时为止添加的类型,因此新添加的服务只能使用已注册的服务(用柠檬制成柠檬水,这可能并不完全不好)避免循环引用)


function Container() {
    type ContainerFunc<P> = <N extends keyof P>(n: N) => P[N];
    class ContainerBuilder<T extends { [P in keyof T]: Promise<any> }> {
        public constructor(private provider: { [P in keyof T]: (c: any) => T[P] } = {} as any) {

        public add<K extends string, V>(name: K, p: (c: ContainerFunc<T>)=> Promise<V>): ContainerBuilder<T & { [P in K]: Promise<V> }> {
            this.provider[name] = p;
            return this as any;

        finish() : ContainerFunc<{ [P in keyof T]: T[P]}> {
            const provider = this.provider;
            const cache: { [name in keyof T]?: Promise<any> } = {};
            const container = function<K extends keyof T>(name: K) : T[K]  {
                if (!cache[name]) {
                    cache[name] = provider[name](container);

                return cache[name] as any;
            return container as any;


    return new ContainerBuilder()

class UserCache { }
class OfficeCache {}
class UserService {
    constructor(private cache: UserCache, private officeCache?: OfficeCache) { }

var c = Container()
    .add("user", async ()=> new UserCache())
    // all typed corectly, no any, the comented code below would be an error as office has not been registered yet
    .add("user-service", async c=> new UserService(await c("user") /* , await c("office") */)) 
    .add("office", async c=> new OfficeCache())

let userService = c("user-service");