data = pd.DataFrame({'id':['A01','B01','A01','C01','A01','B01','A01'],
'price': [103,2,203,103,203,21,21]})
data['date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date'])
由于我必须为每个用户创建功能,因此我使用具有自定义功能的groupby / apply:
featurized = data.groupby('id').apply(featurize)
def featurize(group):
features = dict()
# Userid
features['id'] = group['id'].max()
# Feature 1: Number of search events
features['number_of_search_events'] = (group['event']=='search').sum()
# Feature 2: Number of tablets
features['number_of_tablets'] = (group['product']=='tablet').sum()
# Feature 3: Total time
features['total_time'] = (group['date'].max() - group['date'].min()) / np.timedelta64(1,'D')
# Feature 4: Total number of events
features['events'] = len(group)
# Histogram of products examined
product_counts = group['product'].value_counts()
# Feature 5 max events for a product
features['max_product_events'] = product_counts.max()
# Feature 6 min events for a product
features['min_product_events'] = product_counts.min()
# Feature 7 avg events for a product
features['mean_product_events'] = product_counts.mean()
# Feature 8 std events for a product
features['std_product_events'] = product_counts.std()
# Feature 9 total price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_sum'] = group.loc[group['product']=='tablet','price'].sum()
# Feature 10 max price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_max'] = group.loc[group['product']=='tablet','price'].max()
# Feature 11 min price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_min'] = group.loc[group['product']=='tablet','price'].min()
# Feature 12 mean price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_mean'] = group.loc[group['product']=='tablet','price'].mean()
# Feature 13 std price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_std'] = group.loc[group['product']=='tablet','price'].std()
return pd.Series(features)
与我当前使用的groupby / apply方法相比,速度有改善吗?
答案 0 :(得分:3)
),请使用缓存对于(1),鉴于上面的代码,我可以产生高达43%的加速(i7-7700HQ CPU,16GB RAM)。
using joblib: 68.86841534099949s
using multiprocessing: 71.53540843299925s
single-threaded: 119.05010353899888s
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import timeit
import os
import joblib
import multiprocessing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import timeit
import joblib
import multiprocessing
def make_data():
# just some test data ...
n_users = 100
events = ['search', 'buy', 'home', 'cancel']
products = ['tablet', 'dvd', 'book']
max_price = 1000
n_duplicates = 1000
n_rows = 40000
df = pd.DataFrame({
'id': list(map(str, np.random.randint(0, n_users, n_rows))),
'event': list(map(events.__getitem__, np.random.randint(0, len(events), n_rows))),
'date': list(map(pd.to_datetime, np.random.randint(0, 100000, n_rows))),
'product': list(map(products.__getitem__, np.random.randint(0, len(products), n_rows))),
'price': np.random.random(n_rows) * max_price
df = pd.concat([df for _ in range(n_duplicates)])
return df
def data():
return pd.read_pickle('big_df.pkl')
def featurize(group):
features = dict()
# Feature 1: Number of search events
features['number_of_search_events'] = (group['event'] == 'search').sum()
# Feature 2: Number of tablets
features['number_of_tablets'] = (group['product'] == 'tablet').sum()
# Feature 3: Total time
features['total_time'] = (group['date'].max() - group['date'].min()) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
# Feature 4: Total number of events
features['events'] = len(group)
# Histogram of products examined
product_counts = group['product'].value_counts()
# Feature 5 max events for a product
features['max_product_events'] = product_counts.max()
# Feature 6 min events for a product
features['min_product_events'] = product_counts.min()
# Feature 7 avg events for a product
features['mean_product_events'] = product_counts.mean()
# Feature 8 std events for a product
features['std_product_events'] = product_counts.std()
# Feature 9 total price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_sum'] = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price'].sum()
# Feature 10 max price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_max'] = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price'].max()
# Feature 11 min price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_min'] = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price'].min()
# Feature 12 mean price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_mean'] = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price'].mean()
# Feature 13 std price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_std'] = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price'].std()
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(features, index=[group['id'].max()])
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26187759/parallelize-apply-after-pandas-groupby
def apply_parallel_job(dfGrouped, func):
retLst = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count())(
joblib.delayed(func)(group) for name, group in dfGrouped)
return pd.concat(retLst)
def apply_parallel_pool(dfGrouped, func):
with multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as p:
ret_list = list(p.map(func, [group for name, group in dfGrouped]))
return pd.concat(ret_list)
featurized_job = lambda df: apply_parallel_job(df.groupby('id'), featurize)
featurized_pol = lambda df: apply_parallel_pool(df.groupby('id'), featurize)
featurized_sng = lambda df: df.groupby('id').apply(featurize)
print(timeit.timeit("featurized_job(data())", "from __main__ import featurized_job, data", number=3))
print(timeit.timeit("featurized_sng(data())", "from __main__ import featurized_sng, data", number=3))
print(timeit.timeit("featurized_pol(data())", "from __main__ import featurized_pol, data", number=3))
original: 112.0091859719978s
re-used prices: 83.85681765000118s
# [...]
prices_ = group.loc[group['product'] == 'tablet', 'price']
features['tablet_price_sum'] = prices_.sum()
# Feature 10 max price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_max'] = prices_.max()
# Feature 11 min price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_min'] = prices_.min()
# Feature 12 mean price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_mean'] = prices_.mean()
# Feature 13 std price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_std'] = prices_.std()
# [...]
答案 1 :(得分:1)
df = make_data()
# include this to be able to calculate standard deviations correctly
df['price_sq'] = df['price'] ** 2.
def featurize2(df):
grouped = df.groupby(['id', 'product', 'event'])
initial = grouped.agg({'price': ['count', 'max', 'min', 'mean', 'std', 'sum', 'size'], 'date': [
'max', 'min'], 'price_sq': ['sum']}).reset_index()
return initial
def featurize3(initial):
# Features 5-8
features = initial.groupby('product').sum()['price']['count'].agg(['max', 'min', 'mean', 'std']).rename({
'max': 'max_product_events',
'min': 'min_product_events',
'mean': 'mean_product_events',
'std': 'std_product_events'
searches = initial[initial['event'] == 'search']['price']
# Feature 1: Number of search events
features['number_of_search_events'] = searches['count'].sum()
tablets = initial[initial['product'] == 'tablet']['price']
tablets_sq = initial[initial['product'] == 'tablet']['price_sq']
# Feature 2: Number of tablets
features['number_of_tablets'] = tablets['count'].sum()
# Feature 9 total price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_sum'] = tablets['sum'].sum()
# Feature 10 max price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_max'] = tablets['max'].max()
# Feature 11 min price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_min'] = tablets['min'].min()
# Feature 12 mean price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_mean'] = (
tablets['mean'] * tablets['count']).sum() / tablets['count'].sum()
# Feature 13 std price for tablet products
features['tablet_price_std'] = np.sqrt(tablets_sq['sum'].sum(
) / tablets['count'].sum() - features['tablet_price_mean'] ** 2.)
# Feature 3: Total time
features['total_time'] = (initial['date']['max'].max(
) - initial['date']['min'].min()) / np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
# Feature 4: Total number of events
features['events'] = initial['price']['count'].sum()
return features
def new_featurize(df):
initial = featurize2(df)
final = featurize3(initial)
return final
original = featurize(df)
final = new_featurize(df)
for x in final.index:
print("outputs for index {} are equal: {}".format(
x, np.isclose(final[x], original[x])))
print("featurize(df): {}".format(timeit.timeit("featurize(df)",
"from __main__ import featurize, df", number=3)))
print("featurize2(df): {}".format(timeit.timeit("featurize2(df)",
"from __main__ import featurize2, df", number=3)))
print("new_featurize(df): {}".format(timeit.timeit("new_featurize(df)",
"from __main__ import new_featurize, df", number=3)))
for x in final.index:
print("outputs for index {} are equal: {}".format(
x, np.isclose(final[x], original[x])))
featurize(df): 76.0546050072
featurize2(df): 26.5458261967
new_featurize(df): 26.4640090466
outputs for index max_product_events are equal: [ True]
outputs for index min_product_events are equal: [ True]
outputs for index mean_product_events are equal: [ True]
outputs for index std_product_events are equal: [ True]
outputs for index number_of_search_events are equal: [ True]
outputs for index number_of_tablets are equal: [ True]
outputs for index tablet_price_sum are equal: [ True]
outputs for index tablet_price_max are equal: [ True]
outputs for index tablet_price_min are equal: [ True]
outputs for index tablet_price_mean are equal: [ True]
outputs for index tablet_price_std are equal: [ True]
outputs for index total_time are equal: [ True]
outputs for index events are equal: [ True]