
时间:2018-07-03 23:37:40

标签: javascript typescript ionic-framework ionic3 observable


我正在将Ionic 3与TypeScript一起使用。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我只是获取对按钮的引用,订阅单击事件流,并使用flatMap将click事件传递给执行此任务的任何异步函数。 RxJS将确保一切按顺序执行,Rx的优点在于您不必管理任何状态。


ionViewDidLoad() {
  // grab a reference to your button.  Doesn't matter how you do it.
  const button = document.getElementById('queueEventButton')

  // Create the stream of clicks
  Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click')
    .flatMap(this.doTask) // pass each click event off to the async process
    .scan( (count: number) => count + 1, 0) // this just counts the mouse click, useful for example
    .subscribe(count => console.log(`Response received for button click #${count}!`))

// example task that simulates two second processing
doTask(event: Event): Observable<Event> {
  return Observable.fromPromise(new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(event), 2000)