
时间:2018-07-03 20:07:30

标签: c++ count

我不得不为学校编写一个C ++程序,但我能正常工作,但是我想不出如何使它保持值来显示头被甩和尾被甩的次数。它一直说0。这些是方向:编写一个模拟硬币抛掷的C ++程序。对于每次抛硬币,程序应打印正面或反面。该程序应抛硬币100次。计算硬币每面出现的次数,并在100次抛掷结束时打印结果。


void toss()-从main()调用,将随机抛硬币并设置一个等于硬币面的变量 void count()-从折腾调用以增加头或尾的计数器 void displayCount()-从main()调用,将显示正面计数器的值和反面计数器的值。无全球变量!


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

void toss(int headCount, int tailCount);
void count(int headCount, int tailCount);
void displayCount(int headCount, int tailCount);

//tosses a coin 100 itmes and tells you how many were heads and how many were tails.

int main()
    int headCount = 0;
    int tailCount = 0;
    int count = 0;

    toss(headCount, tailCount);  //toss coin
    displayCount(headCount, tailCount); //displays how many heads and tails


//***************function definitions***************

void toss(int headCount, int tailCount)
    srand(time(NULL));//makes the coin toss random

    for (int i = 0; i<100; i++)  //while it is less then 100 tosses
        if (rand() % 2 == 0)   //assigns 0 to heads
            cout << "heads";
            cout << "tails";  //assigns 1 to tails
    count(headCount, tailCount);
void count(int headCount, int tailCount)
    if (rand() % 2 == 0)
        headCount++;    //counts the amount of heads
        tailCount++;   //counts the amount of tails

void displayCount(int headCount, int tailCount)   //displays count of head and tails
    cout << "Number of heads: " << headCount << "\n";
    cout << "Number of tails: " << tailCount << "\n";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

void toss(int headCount, int tailCount)

pass by value, not reference,因此在toss中发生的事情留在toss中。给予

void toss(int &headCount, int &tailCount)





void toss(int &headCount, int &tailCount) { srand(time(NULL));//makes the coin toss random. // Well... Sorta. More on that in a second. for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) //while it is less then 100 tosses { if (rand() % 2 == 0) //assigns 0 to heads { cout << "heads\n"; headCount++; //counts the amount of heads } else { cout << "tails\n"; //assigns 1 to tails tailCount++; //counts the amount of tails } } } 最好在srand顶部附近的程序中调用一次。每次您呼叫main时,它都会重置随机数生成器。如果您再次拨打srand太快,时间将没有时间更改到下一秒,您将生成相同的数字。在少数情况下,您确实需要每个程序多次调用srand(time(NULL));srandrand可能不是完成此任务的正确工具。查看C ++ 11或第三方随机数工具中添加的srand库。