用于读取-修改-写入的PHP flock()不起作用

时间:2018-07-03 13:27:46

标签: php mutex file-locking flock test-and-set

我有一个由PHP脚本维护的日志文件。 PHP脚本需要进行并行处理。我无法使用flock()机制来处理日志文件:就我而言,flock()不能防止同时运行并行运行的PHP脚本共享的日志文件,并且有时会覆盖它们




Google搜索"read modify write" phpfetch and addtest and set并没有提供有用的信息:所有解决方案都基于有效的flock()。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>File lock test</title>
iframe {
    width: 10em;
    height: 300px;
$timeStart = microtime(true);
if ($_GET) { // iframe
    // GET
    $time = $_GET['time'] ?? 'no time';
    $instance = $_GET['instance'] ?? 'no instance';

    // open file
    // $mode = 'w+'; // no read
    // $mode = 'r+'; // does not create file, we have to lock file creation also
    $mode = 'c+'; // read, write, create
    $fhandle = fopen(__FILE__ .'.rwtestfile.txt', $mode) or exit('fopen');
    // lock
    flock($fhandle, LOCK_EX) or exit('flock');
    // start of file (optional, only some modes like require it)
    // read file (or default initial value if new file)
    $fcontent = fread($fhandle, 10000) or ' 0';
    // counter value from previous write is last integer value of file
    $c = strrchr($fcontent, ' ') + 1;
    // new line for file
    $fcontent .= "<br />\n$time $instance $c";
    // reset once in a while
    if ($c > 20) {
        $fcontent = ' 0'; // avoid long content
    // simulate other activity
    usleep(rand(1000, 2000));
    // start of file
    // write
    fwrite($fhandle, $fcontent) or exit('fwrite');
    // truncate (in unexpected case file is shorter now)
    ftruncate($fhandle, ftell($fhandle)) or exit('ftruncate');
    // close
    fclose($fhandle) or exit('fclose');
    // echo
    echo "instance:$instance c:$c<br />";
    echo $timeStart ."<br />";
    echo microtime(true) - $timeStart ."<br />";
    echo $fcontent ."<br />";
} else {
    echo 'File lock test<br />';
    // iframes that will be requested in parallel, to check flock
    for ($i = 0; $i < 14; $i++) {
        echo '<iframe src="?instance='. $i .'&time='. date('H:i:s') .'"></iframe>'."\n";

PHP: flock - Manual中有关于flock()限制的警告,但这是关于ISAPI(Windows)和FAT(Windows)的警告。我的服务器配置是:
系统: Linux cluster026.gra.hosting.ovh.net
服务器API:CGI / FastCGI

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



更复杂的是,您只能在 open 文件句柄上使用flock。这意味着打开文件并获取锁不是原子的,此外,您还需要刷新状态缓存,以便在获取锁后确定文件的生存期。



 $lock_age=time()-filectime(dirname(CACHE_FILE) . "/lock");
 if (filemtime(CACHE_FILE)>time()-CACHE_TTL 
       && $lock_age>MAX_LOCK_TIME) {
          rmdir(dirname(CACHE_FILE) . "/lock");
          mkdir(dirname(CACHE_FILE) . "/lock") || die "I give up";
      $content=generate_content(); // might want to add specific timing checks around this
      file_put_contents(CACHE_FILE, $content);
      rmdir(dirname(CACHE_FILE) . "/lock");
 } else if (is_dir(dirname(CACHE_FILE) . "/lock") {
 } else {


答案 1 :(得分:0)

在PHP中执行原子测试和设置指令的一种方法是使用mkdir()。使用目录而不是文件有点奇怪,但是mkdir()将创建目录,或者如果目录已经存在,则返回false(以及抑制警告)。 fopen()fwrite()file_put_contents()之类的文件命令不会在一条指令中进行测试和设置。

// lock
$fnLock = __FILE__ .'.lock'; // lock directory filename
$lockLooping = 0; // counter can be used for tuning depending on lock duration
do {
    if (@mkdir($fnLock, 0777)) { // mkdir is a test and set command
        $lockLooping = 0;
    } else {
        $lockLooping += 1;
        $lockAge = time() - filemtime($fnLock);
        if ($lockAge > 10) {
            rmdir($fnLock); // robustness, in case a lock was not erased                
        } else {
            // wait without consuming CPU before try again
            usleep(rand(2500, 25000)); // random to avoid parallel process conflict again
} while ($lockLooping > 0);

// do stuff under atomic protection
// don't take too long, because parallel processes are waiting for the unlock (rmdir)

$content = file_get_contents($protected_file_name);  // example read
$content = $modified_content; // example modify
file_put_contents($protected_file_name, $modified_content); // example write

// unlock

答案 2 :(得分:0)




fopen($filename ,'x')的行为与mkdir()相同,并且可以以相同的方式使用:

// lock
$fnLock = __FILE__ .'.lock'; // lock file filename
$lockLooping = 0; // counter can be used for tuning depending on lock duration
do {
    if ($lockHandle = @fopen($fnLock, 'x')) { // test and set command
        $lockLooping = 0;
    } else {
        $lockLooping += 1;
        $lockAge = time() - filemtime($fnLock);
        if ($lockAge > 10) {
            rmdir($fnLock); // robustness, in case a lock was not erased                
        } else {
            // wait without consuming CPU before try again
            usleep(rand(2500, 25000)); // random to avoid parallel process conflict again
} while ($lockLooping > 0);

// do stuff under atomic protection
// don't take too long, because parallel processes are waiting for the unlock (rmdir)

$content = file_get_contents($protected_file_name);  // example read
$content = $modified_content; // example modify
file_put_contents($protected_file_name, $modified_content); // example write

// unlock

最好对此进行测试,例如使用问题中的代码。 许多人依赖于文档中记载的锁定,但是在负载下的测试或生产过程中可能会出现意外情况(来自一个浏览器的并行请求可能就足够了。)