
时间:2018-07-03 11:31:48

标签: python python-3.x dictionary pyyaml


  • 成功更新消息,其中包含对文件的所有更改。
  • 更新失败,可能包含文件未正确更新的地方。
  • 让用户知道他/她没有通过任何对该文件的更改(YAML文件中的冗余条目)。

第二个和第三个选项运行良好,但是每当我更新字典d中嵌套字典之外的任何值时,第一个返回TypeError: string indices must be integersTypeError: 'int' object is not iterable


class YAML_Config:
    Class used to interact with .YAML filetypes. Allows the creation of objects \
    that can be manipulated and save certain YAML files and configuration settings.

    def __init__(self, filename):
        Initial defintion. Defines the location for saving a new .YAML file or for loading \
        a previous one. The dictionary corresponding to the .YAML file is saved to self.dict. \
        If this is a new .YAML file, an empty dictionary is created.

        Input Arguments:
            -filename: (string) The name of the file where the current .YAML file is \
            located or the new .YAML will be saved.
        #Get the filename and save it to the class as a property.
        self.file = filename

        #Check if the file exists...
        if os.path.isfile(self.file):

            #Prepare to open the file with reading capabilities
            with open(self.file,'r') as infile:

                #Get a dictionary with all of the YAML informatin.
                yaml_dict = yaml.load(infile)

        #If the file does not exist...

            #Create an empty dictionary to save all YAML data.
            yaml_dict = {}

            #Create an empty .yaml file with the dictionary.
            with open(self.file, 'w') as infile:

                #Save updated dictionary to YAML file.
                yaml.dump(yaml_dict, infile, default_flow_style=False)

            print('YAML configuration file not found. New, empty dictionary, and .yaml file created.')


    def update_value(self, kwargs):
        Used to update YAML files, and checks that the files were updated properly.
        #If these are not keyword arguments, then throw an error.
        assert kwargs, 'Input Error'

        #Get the YAML dictionary before it is updated.
        yaml_dict = self.dict

        #Make a copy of the dictionary to compare against later.
        yaml_dict_original = copy.deepcopy(self.dict)

        #Check if the dictionary is nonetype. This happens if the file is new as the file is empty.
        if yaml_dict_original is None:

            #Redefine orginal dictionary as an empty dictionary.

            #The new dictionary will simply be what is passed to the function.


            #Update the original dictionary and update it with the arguments passed.
            #This also updates self.dict as yaml_dict is simply a reference to
            #that dictionary, not a copy of it.

        #Check if changes were made
        if (yaml_dict==yaml_dict_original) is False:

            #Open the YAML file to write to it.
            with open(self.file, 'w') as outfile:

                #Save updated dictionary to YAML file.
                yaml.dump(self.dict, outfile, default_flow_style=False)

    #Check that the file actually updated properly:

            #Double-check the file that it actually updated.
            with open(self.file, 'r') as infile:

                lastupdate = yaml.load(infile)

            #Get any nonmatching values between what should be in the YAML file and what actually is.
            errors = { k : yaml_dict[k] for k in set(yaml_dict) - set(lastupdate) }

            #Find out what changed in the YAML file.
            edits = { k : yaml_dict_original[k] for k in set(yaml_dict_original) - set(lastupdate) }

            #Check if errors is not empty. Evaluating dictionaries as boolean either returns True (not empty)
            #or False (empty).
            if bool(errors) is True:

                #First line of return print statement.
                print('The following entries did not update successfully:')

                #Loop through keys in errors
                for n in errors:

                    #Print the current key
                    print (n)

                    #Loop through entries of current key
                    for m in errors[n]:

                        #Print current entry of current key
                        print (m,':',errors[n][m])

            #Saved properly, check for edits and display to user.

                #Find where any edits were made.
                edits = {k: yaml_dict_original[k] for k in yaml_dict_original if k in lastupdate and yaml_dict_original[k] != lastupdate[k]}

                #Show user what edits were successfuly made.
                print('%s was successfully updated with the following changes:' %  os.path.basename(self.file))

                #Loop through keys in edits
                for n in edits:

                    #Print the current key
                    print (n)

                    #Loop through entries of current key
                    for m in edits[n]:

                        #Print current entry of current key
                        print (m,':',edits[n][m])

        #If no changes were made...        

            #Show user what edits were successfuly made.
            print('No changes to %s were passed. File not updated.' %  


test=YAML_Config(r'...Path\Python Work\yaml_test.yaml')

d = {'A': 7, 'B':{'C':'D', 'D':False, 'E':'Julio'},\
     'The Real C': {'J?':'Yes, this is J.', 'K' : 241},'Q' : 'PQ'}



b = {'A': '', 'B':{'C':'D', 'D':False, 'E':'Julio'},\
         'The Real C': {'J?':'Yes, this is J.', 'K' : 241},'Q' : 'PQ'}

#TypeError: string indices must be integers.


f = {'A': 7, 'B':{'C':'D', 'D':False, 'E':'Julio'},\
         'The Real C': {'J?':'Yes, this is J.', 'K' : 241},'Q' : 2}

#TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable.


我正在使用Python 3.6.5。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  uses-material-design: true
   - images/myimagename.png

,此时flutter: uses-material-design: true assets: - images/xxx.png 是字典: # Loop through entries of current key for m in edits[n]: (因为A是具有更改值的键)。您的代码似乎只预料到了一个复杂值的变化(例如edits的变化),因为如果您愿意这样做,

{A: 7}



因此,您应该重新考虑您的“报告”,并将其更新为不仅可以处理b = {'A': 7, 'B':{'C':'D', 'D':True, 'E':'Julio'},\ 'The Real C': {'J?':'Yes, this is J.', 'K' : 241},'Q' : 'PQ'} s值,而且还可以处理test.yaml was successfully updated with the following changes: B C : D D : False E : Julio s和基元的值(YAML标量:字符串,整数,布尔值)等)



