AFL qemu模式不适用于dlopen()

时间:2018-07-03 02:16:33

标签: qemu fuzzing

每个人。 我在qemu模式下使用AFL。而且我已经编写了这个小二进制文件来测试所有内容。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){
    typedef int (*pf_t)(char*);
    void* handle;
    char* error;
    char mystring[100];

    printf("mystring: %s\n",mystring);

    handle = dlopen("",RTLD_NOW);


    return 0;


如果我不添加dlopen(),一切都会很好。但是,如果我添加它,则afl将在此处停止。 我正在使用的命令是“ afl-fuzz -i in -o out -Q ./a.out”

afl-fuzz 2.49b by <>
[+] You have 8 CPU cores and 3 runnable tasks (utilization: 38%).
[+] Try parallel jobs - see docs/parallel_fuzzing.txt.
[*] Checking CPU core loadout...
[+] Found a free CPU core, binding to #1.
[*] Checking CPU scaling governor...
[*] Setting up output directories...
[+] Output directory exists but deemed OK to reuse.
[*] Deleting old session data...
[+] Output dir cleanup successful.
[*] Scanning 'in'...
[+] No auto-generated dictionary tokens to reuse.
[*] Creating hard links for all input files...
[*] Validating target binary...
[*] Attempting dry run with 'id:000000,orig:aahat.jpg'...
[*] Spinning up the fork server...
[+] All right - fork server is up.

我不知道为什么。我只知道有人说afl qemu模式的dlopen有问题。我想知道有人可以给我一些建议吗?谢谢!

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