
时间:2018-06-30 06:51:24

标签: linux file service upload command

我正在尝试为.bashrc创建一个脚本,该脚本适用于匿名文件上传服务file.io ...


  # anonymous file uploading to transfer.sh via command line ($ upload file.any)
  upload() { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "No arguments specified. Usage:\necho transfer /tmp/test.md\ncat /tmp/test.md | transfer test.md"; return 1; fi 
  tmpfile=$( mktemp -t transferXXX ); if tty -s; then basefile=$(basename "$1" | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]/-/g'); curl --progress-bar --upload-file "$1" "https://transfer.sh/$basefile" >> $tmpfile; else curl --progress-bar --upload-file "-" "https://transfer.sh/$1" >> $tmpfile ; fi; cat $tmpfile; rm -f $tmpfile; } 


  curl -F "file=test.txt" https://file.io
  {"success":true,"key":"2ojE41","link":"https://file.io/2ojE41","expiry":"14 days"}


  upload2 () {
    curl -F "file=$1" https://file.io
  {"success":true,"key":"2ojE41","link":"https://file.io/2ojE41","expiry":"14 days"}


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Sub IAmCaller()
    TestExcel({"Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3"}) '//Pass sheets' names
End Sub

Sub TestExcel(SheetsNames As String())
    Dim xlApp As Excel.Application = New Excel.Application With {.Visible = False}
    If xlApp Is Nothing Then
        WriteLine("Excel is not properly installed!!")
    End If

    Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim xlTempBook As Excel.Workbook
    Dim xlTempSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Dim xlRange As Excel.Range
    '// This variable will hold the last row where data will be inserted
    Dim lastRow As Long

    xlWorkBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Master.xlsx")

    '// Either create new workbook based on default template or your own template:
    '// Default template
    xlTempBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
    '// Your own template
    xlTempBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(xlApp.TemplatesPath + "NEWTEMPLATE.xltx")

    '// First sheet of temp workbook
    xlTempSheet = xlTempBook.Sheets(1)

    For Each sheetName In SheetsNames
        '// Select some range and copy to new sheet in new temp book
        xlRange = xlWorkBook.Sheets(sheetName).Range("A1:C10")
        '// Calculate last row
        With xlTempSheet
            '// We calculate last row by column A.
            '// Feel free to change it to appropriate one.
            lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(Excel.XlDirection.xlUp).Row
            '// Next empty cell.
            '// Then End method (above) returns last cell.
            '// If sheet is clear, then the last cell is always in the first row.
            '// However, if there's some data, then last cell won't be the first.
            '// In this case we need to make a shift one cell down.
            If lastRow > 1 Then lastRow += 1
            '// Actual copying.
            '// In this case we copy into A column (i.e. top-left cell).
            '// As your master range contains formulas and you don't need them,
            '// you have two choices:
            '// 1) Use clipboard
            '// 2) Use Value property
            '// The first one is easy to implement.
            '// The second one requires accepting side to have same form,
            '// i.e. the accepting range must have same number of rows and columns.

            '// Case 1. Using clipboard.
            xlRange.Copy() : .Cells(lastRow, "A").PasteSpecial(Excel.XlPasteType.xlPasteValues)

            '// Case 2. Using Value property
            .Cells(lastRow, "A").Resize(xlRange.Rows.Count, xlRange.Columns.Count).Value = xlRange.Value

        End With

    xlTempBook.SaveAs("C:\New.CSV", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlCSV)

    xlRange = Nothing
    xlWorkSheet = Nothing
    xlWorkBook = Nothing
    xlApp = Nothing


    WriteLine("Excel file created , you can find the file C:\New.CSV")
End Sub

然后您可以使用upload2(){ curl -F "file=@$1" https://file.io } 并得到响应: upload2 Testfile