
时间:2018-06-30 00:10:41

标签: numbers applescript





出于描述目的,此代码将在Numbers中选择的单元格范围内,用公式结果替换公式 -非常擅长使用now()函数创建时间戳记-




希望我在没有TMI的情况下提供了足够的详细信息 请提供有关如何在不同情况下处理不同变量的信息。 我昨晚一整夜都在尝试Google搜索,但从未找到任何使用display来显示范围结果的示例。

--Select cells in Numbers 3, run; Reads value of cell and replaces formula with text
--SGIII, v1, 201408


tell application "Numbers" to tell front document to tell active sheet

    tell (first table whose selection range's class is range)
        set sr to selection range
        #           set sr to range "a:a"
        set rs to sr
        set f to "not empty"
        set tgtCellNames to {"A1", "A16", "A31", "A46", "A61"}
        set tgtCellNames to {"A1", "A16", "A31", "A46", "A61"}
        #           display dialog "Replacing ' " & tgtCellNames & " ' with " default answer " not so fast " with title "Formula 2 text replace step 1"

        #           display dialog "Replacing ' " & f & " ' with " default answer " not so fast " with title "Formula 2 text replace step 1"
        #           set f to display dialog "Find this in selected cells in Numbers " default answer "" with title "Find-Replace Step 1" buttons {"Cancel", "Next"}
        #           set f to result's text returned
        set f to " b1:b9 "
        #           if f = "" then display dialog "Did you really want to replace null with something that will appear between each pair of letters?" buttons {"Cancel", "Yes"} with title "Find and Replace"

        #           display dialog "Replacing ' " & range & " ' with "not so fast " with title "Formula 2 Text replace step "
        #           display dialog "Replacing ' " & f & " ' with " default answer " not so fast " with title "Formula 2 text replace step 1"
        #           set r to result's text returned
        set r to ""

        tell sr to repeat with i from 1 to count cells
                set oVal to (cell i's value) as text
                if oVal is not "missing value" then
                    set nVal to my oVal
                    set value of cell i to nVal
                    # display dialog "hello world ' " & f & "   " & oVal & "  With " & nVal & "  " with title "Formula 2 text step 2"
                    display dialog "Found empty cell: " & (name of cell i of selection range)
                end if
            end try
        end repeat

    end tell
end tell
on error 
display dialog "Did you select cells?" buttons {"cancel"} with title "Oops!"
end try

to findReplace(tt, f, r)
set oTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
considering case
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to f
    set lst to tt's text items
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to r
    set tt to lst as string
end considering
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTID
return tt
end findReplace

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