
时间:2018-06-29 23:50:27

标签: javascript recursion syntax promise timeout




<script>const fetchWithRetry = (ThisURL) => {
let abort = false;
const options = {
  url: ThisURL,
  options: {},
  cancel: {},
  retries: 30,
  retryDelay: 1000

// Add an abort to the cancel object.
cancel.abort = () => { abort = true };

// Abort or proceed?
return abort ? Promise.reject('aborted') : fetch(options.url).then(response => {

  // Reject because of abort
 return abort ? Promise.reject('aborted')

  // Response is good 
  : response.ok ? Promise.resolve(response.text()) 

  // Retries exceeded
  : !options.retries ? Promise.reject('retries exceeded')

  // Retry with one less retry
  : new Promise((resolve, reject){
      setTimeout(() => {

        // We use the returned promise's resolve and reject as
        // callback so that the nested call propagates backwards.
        fetchWithRetry({ ThisURL, retries: retries - 1 }).then(resolve, reject);
      }, options.retryDelay);

<title>'Verifying WiFi Settings'</title>
<body onload="fetchWithRetry('/WiFiValid')">
<h1>Please wait while WiFi settings are verified</h1>

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