I have just submitted the following bug to JetBrains Bug & Issue Tracker, as I believe the specification let the download attribute be set without any value. It seems to me that the attribute can be used just to indicate how the browser should see that link.
I would like to double check if my reading of the following quote is correct or if I should trust the IDE inspector (HTML and JSP):
download - Indicates to download the linked resource instead of navigating to it. If the attribute has a set value, change the resource’s proposed filename to the set value. from: https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/WD-html53-20180426/textlevel-semantics.html#the-a-element
<a stuff stuff stuff... download />
当未使用下载工具设置下载时,它不应报告问题 串。属性的存在决定了行为,但是 字符串是可选的,尽管它通常存在。
IDE报告:“文件参考问题检查”和“此 检查检查HTML中未解决的文件引用。” 应该检查引用的存在(如果已设置),但不能 什么时候不使用。
从w3.org:下载-表示下载链接的资源 而不是导航到它。如果属性具有设定值,请更改 资源的建议文件名设置为设置值。