
时间:2018-06-27 19:09:13

标签: javascript jquery


只是让您知道,我对Web开发还是很陌生。几个月前,我开始学习html ccs JavaScript(+ JQuery)的基础知识,而且工作了一个月。然后,我开始为2个抽彩流开发一个网站(观看者的平均观看量很少)。如果您想检查,请点击以下链接(这样您就可以看到我在说的问题):ponceriv.fr

如果网站很轻巧,我决定制作一个“单页”结构,因为我使用的是单个html文件(index.html),并且我使用Jquery操纵DOM来切换页面。 / p>


// When the user clicks on a nav button
$('.nav-item-container').click(function () {
    //remove the Nav-active class from nav button previously active
    // the clicked nav button is the second one
    if ($(this).attr('id') == 'nav-item-container-2') {
        // the new active page is the second one / the "about" page
        let $newActiveWrapper = $('.about-wrapper');
        // the nav button that will have the active design
        let $toActiveNav = $('#nav-item-container-2');
        // Check if this page is already active
        if ($activeWrapper.attr('id') == $newActiveWrapper.attr('id')) {
            // re-set the class nav-active on the same button (I know, this is not optimal)
            // If not already active
        } else {
            // The nav button get the 
            // Prepare the css properties for the "enter" animation of the new page
                opacity: '0',
                position: 'relative',
                top: '100px',
                left: '0'

            // Hide overflow because the animation makes scrollbar visible
                'overflow': 'hidden'

            // Check if the page is a secondary content (=/= stream player page) so we'll make the mini twitch player display
            if ($('.secondary-content').css('display') == 'none') {

                // Prepare the css properties for the "enter" animation of the mini player
                    opacity: '0'

                // "Leaving" animation of the current page then "Enter" animation of the new page + Deleting the iframe of the twitch main player
                    left: '600px',
                    opacity: '0'
                }, 500, function () {
                        display: 'none'
                        display: 'flex'
                        display: 'block'
                        opacity: '1',
                        top: '0'
                    }, 500);

                // New "state" variable values + display mini player + "enter" animation of mini player
                setTimeout(function () {
                    $activeNav = $toActiveNav;
                    $activeWrapper = $newActiveWrapper;

                    // calling a function declared somewhere else in the script
                        'overflow': 'visible'
                        opacity: '1'
                }, 1050);

            // If we were already in a secondary content
            } else {

                //pretty much the same than earlier but without main player and mini player modifications
                    left: '600px',
                    opacity: '0'
                }, 500, function () {
                        display: 'none'
                        display: 'block'
                        opacity: '1',
                        top: '0'
                    }, 500);

                setTimeout(function () {
                    $activeNav = $toActiveNav;
                    $activeWrapper = $newActiveWrapper;
                        'overflow': 'visible'
                }, 1050);





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