
时间:2018-06-27 17:14:02

标签: twitter-bootstrap jqgrid


   var mydata =
        { detalle: "comprar uniformes", plazo: "2007-10-01", responsable: "Diego Avila" },

    datatype: 'json',
    data: mydata,
    colNames: ['example1', 'example2', ' example3'],
    colModel: [
        { label: 'detalle', name: 'detalle', width: 150, sorttype: "string", editable: true, edittype:"text", },
        { label: 'plazo', name: 'plazo', width: 150, sorttype: "string", editable: true,  
       /* editoptions: {
            // dataInit is the client-side event that fires upon initializing the toolbar search field for a column
            // use it to place a third party control to customize the toolbar
            dataInit: function (element) {
                    id: 'orderDate_datePicker',
                    //dateFormat: 'M/d/yy',
                    dateFormat: 'yy/M/d',
                    //minDate: new Date(2010, 0, 1),
                    maxDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1),
                    showOn: 'focus'
        { label: 'responsable', name: 'responsable', width: 150, sorttype: "string", editable: true },
    rowNum: 10,
    height: 100,
    caption:'PLAN DE ACCION',
    shrinkToFit: true,
    pager: '#pager_plan_accion',
    editurl: "clientArray",
    onSelectRow: function(id){
        var lastSel="";
        if(id && id!==lastSel){ 
        jQuery('#grid_plan_accion').editRow(id, true); 

    edit: false,
    add: true,
    del: false,
    search: false,
    refresh: false,
    view: true,
    position: "left",
    cloneToTop: false

for (var i = 0; i <= mydata.length; i++)
    jQuery("#grid_plan_accion").jqGrid('addRowData', i + 1, mydata[i]);



这是我在模态上的网格: my grid 仅当关闭我的模态时,我才会在对话框中添加行。

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