所以我想知道是否有可能从用户那里获取3个数字,范围从1-6,并再从用户那里获取1个输入,范围从1-144,并制作一个程序来获取您获得的前3个数字并找到使用加法,减法,乘法,除法,根数和幂的方法,以使用3个数字来找到方法,以获取第4个用户输入。如果您无法获得第4个用户输入,请从前3个输入中找到最接近的输入,然后程序应告诉您使用的操作以及使用的编号。这基本上是在重新创建游戏ThinkFun Math Dice。
例如:如果用户输入的前3个数字是5、2和9,第4个数字是86,则程序应执行9 ^ 2(即81)和81 + 5(即86)。在另一种情况下, 3个数字分别是6、4和2,最后的答案是(第4个输入)24,程序应执行6 * 4 -2或6 * 4 +2或4 ^ 2 + 6,因为它们全部等于26或22,没有解决方案获得24。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我将建议使用RPN表示法,因为它很容易使用。我给了您代码,以RPN表示法列出了可能的计算。您仍然需要执行IO并编写RPN计算器。 IO很简单。您可以在网上学习许多RPN计算器示例。
def list_perms (args):
if 0 == len(args):
yield []
x = args[0]
for p in list_perms(args[1:]):
for i in range(0, len(p)+1):
yield p[:i] + [x] + p[i:]
def list_rpn (x, y, z):
ops = ['+', '-', '*', '/', '^', 'r']
for p in list_perms([x, y, z]):
for op1 in ops:
for op2 in ops:
yield p + [op1, op2]
yield p[0:2] + [op1, p[2], op2]
def evaluate (calc):
return 'you have to figure this out'
def find_best (x, y, z, r):
best_val = x+y+z
best_calc = [x, y, z, '+', '+']
for calc in list_rpn(5, 6, 8):
val = evaluate(calc)
if val == r:
return calc
elif abs(val - r) < abs(best_val - r):
best_val = val
best_calc = calc
except Exception:
# Throw exceptions on things like divide by 0, or powers of
# negative numbers that aren't n or 1/n where n is an odd number
return best_calc
# You should also do proper IO here.
print(find_best(5, 2, 9, 24))
答案 1 :(得分:1)
coeffs = list(map(int, input("Coefficents, separated by spaces:\n").split()))
target = int(input("Target value:\n"))
operators = ["({}+{})","({}-{})","({}*{})","({}/{})","({}**{})","({}**(1.0/{}))"]
def make_expr(expr, coeffs, target):
if not coeffs:
return eval(expr), expr
except OverflowError:
return None
except ArithmeticError:
return None
solutions = [make_expr(op.format(expr, coeffs[0]), coeffs[1:], target) for op in operators]
solutions += [make_expr(op.format(coeffs[0], expr), coeffs[1:], target) for op in operators]
solutions = [x for x in solutions if x is not None]
val, expr = min(solutions, key=lambda x: abs(x[0]-target))
return val, expr
def find_best(coeffs, target):
assert(len(coeffs) > 1)
solutions = [make_expr(perm[0], perm[1:], target) for perm in permutations(coeffs)]
solutions = [x for x in solutions if x is not None]
val, expr = min(solutions, key=lambda x: abs(x[0]-target))
return "Closest value: {0}\nExpression: {1}".format(val, expr)
print(find_best(coeffs, target))