20/06/18 08:18 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 00 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 1 164 000000 complete operation 44376390 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:19 1 1 (ok) 00 1 TEST ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 4 167 000000 TRANSACAO APROVED 44376393 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:21 1 2 (ok) 01 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 4 000000 complete operation 0 0 48
20/06/18 08:25 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 00 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 986 5 168 000000 41031930 BEGIN OK 44376394 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:31 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 01 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 986 6 129 000000 41031931 BEGIN OK 51321421 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:32 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 00 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 6 169 000000 41031930 BAIXA OK 44376395 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:32 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 00 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 7 170 000000 41031930 TEST OK 44376396 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:33 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 01 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 7 130 000000 41031931 BAIXA OK 51321422 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:33 1 14 (Sucess, no confirmation needed) 01 0 TEST2 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 8 131 000000 41031931 TEST OK 51321423 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 08:38 1 2 (ok) 00 4 TEST3 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 11 585945 complete operation 0 0 48
20/06/18 08:38 1 2 (ok) 00 4 TEST3 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 12 585946 00000001 000000000001064 SITUACAO DA TEST OK 0 0 48
20/06/18 08:39 1 2 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 10 585946 complete operation 0 0 48
20/06/18 08:39 1 2 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 ANOTHERS/ADM 2 0 0 11 585947 00000002 000000000001064 SITUACAO DA TEST OK 0 0 48
20/06/18 09:28 1 1 (ok) 01 0 TEST2 VD DEB 1 2 1 1 FOUND DEBITO 986 11,61 13 134 586242 586242 229873 41031931 0010505962400001 APROVED 229873 12 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 09:40 1 1 (ok) 01 1 TEST ANOTHERS/ADM 0 0 0 14 135 000000 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 10:40 1 1 (ok) 01 0 TEST2 VD CRED 3P LOJ 1 1 3 3 FOUND CREDITO 986 154,30 15 136 586244 586244 600109 41031931 0010505962400001 APROVED 600109 19 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 11:32 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 6P LOJ 1 1 3 6 FOUND 986 369,80 17 138 585948 00184281 009989 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 21 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 11:56 1 1 (ok) 01 1 TEST VD CRED 6P LOJ 1 1 3 6 FOUND 986 103,80 18 139 000761 248937832 071579 DK059325 000000046782664 TRANSACAO APROVED 24 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 12:24 1 1 (ok) 01 0 TEST2 VD DEB 1 2 1 1 FOUND DEBITO 986 9,90 19 140 586246 586246 295898 41031931 0010505962400001 APROVED 295898 26 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 13:48 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 3P LOJ 1 1 3 3 TEST3 986 174,85 23 146 585950 00354147 244207 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 36 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 13:50 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 3P LOJ 1 2 3 3 FOUND 986 90,79 24 147 585951 00356608 356608 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 37 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 14:44 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 2P LOJ 1 1 3 2 FOUND 986 73,70 26 150 585952 00417993 OCP3EF 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 42 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 14:55 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 1 2 1 FOUND 986 30,80 27 151 585953 00432024 432024 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 44 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:11 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 1 2 1 FOUND 986 56,80 28 152 585954 00451469 451469 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 48 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:16 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 3P LOJ 1 1 3 3 FOUND 986 473,40 29 153 585955 00458420 051473 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 49 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:21 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 5P LOJ 1 1 3 5 FOUND 986 89,90 30 154 585956 00464225 210069 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 52 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:22 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 2P LOJ 1 2 3 2 FOUND 986 74,79 31 155 585957 00466243 466243 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 53 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:25 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 3P LOJ 1 1 3 3 FOUND 986 51,80 32 156 585958 00469765 R62243 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 54 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 15:28 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 2P LOJ 1 1 3 2 FOUND 986 66,80 33 157 585959 00474327 068082 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 56 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 16:04 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 1 1 1 FOUND 986 42,60 34 158 585960 00522515 132114 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 63 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 16:19 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 2P LOJ 1 2 3 2 FOUND 986 54,50 35 159 585961 00543569 543569 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 64 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 16:28 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 1 1 1 FOUND 986 53,60 36 160 585962 00555871 096895 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 65 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 16:36 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 2P LOJ 1 1 3 2 TEST3 986 135,40 37 161 585963 00567178 645238 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 67 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 17:09 1 3 (manually confirmed) 01 4 TEST3 VD CRED 2P LOJ 1 1 3 2 TEST3 986 43,69 41 165 585964 00615982 043774 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 69 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 17:11 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 ANOTHERS/ADM 0 0 0 42 166 000000 complete operation 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
20/06/18 17:47 1 1 (ok) 01 4 TEST3 VD DEB 1 2 0 TEST3 986 48,80 43 167 585965 00682484 164024 00000002 000000000001064 AUTORIZED 73 0 1 CLIENT Windows 48
36 AA295617939D4C16073C5AD86919821D101770A4 221163 0
文件(36 AA295617939D4C16073C5AD86919821D101770A4 221163 0
)的最后一行并取第三列的值{ {1}},然后将其转换为USD:221163
。然后,以上述USD 2.211,63
好,所以现在它将像20/06/18 USD 2.211,63
20/06/18 USD 2.211,63
24/06/18 USD 8.289,45
29/06/18 USD 9.211,99
07/07/18 USD 24.653,76
09/07/18 USD 99.701,32
15/08/18 USD 3.291,19
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=3" %%i in ('findstr /i %1 c:\test\*.txt ^| findstr /i %2') do (
set last_value=%%i
for /f %%x in (%date%) do for /f "delims=.txt, tokens=1" %%i in (%%x.txt) do echo %%x, %%i >> all_files.txt
我正在逐步进行,但是问题是脚本无法识别SET SearchFile=test.txt
SET TmpSearchFile=output.txt
SET String=%date%
SET LineNum=3
FINDSTR /B /N "%String%" "%SearchFile%" > "%TmpSearchFile%"
FOR /F "USEBACKQ TOKENS=2 DELIMS=: " %A IN (`"FINDSTR /B "%LineNum%:%String%" "%TmpSearchFile%""`) DO ECHO %~A %~A`
我模拟了将所有REM get first line:
<all_files.txt set /p first=
REM write it to a new file:
>"test.txt" echo %first%
REM sort the rest and append to the new file:
<all_files.txt more +1|sort >>"test.txt"
del /f /s /q all_files.txt >nul 2>nul
20/06/18 R$ 2.211,63
22/06/18 R$ 1.761,63
03/07/18 R$ 3.042,21
25/06/18 R$ 1.311,57
21/06/18 R$ 22.842,88
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
mode 34,12
Set "OutFile=all_files.txt"
For %%A in (*.txt) do (
for /f "tokens=1,3" %%T in ('findstr "^" "%%~fA"') do (
set "USD= %%U"
set "LastDate=!ThisDate!"
set "ThisDate=%%T"
set "Out=!USD:~0,-5!.!USD:~-5,3!,!USD:~-2,2!"
set "Out=!Out: .=!"
>>"%OutFile%" Echo=!LastDate:~0,2!-!LastDate:~3,2!-20!LastDate:~6,2! USD !OUT:~-10!
答案 0 :(得分:2)
修改为从最后一行的第二行获取日期 EDIT2更改了输出日期模式
:: Q:\Test\2018\06\27\SO_51064650.cmd
@echo off & setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
Set "OutFile=all_files.txt"
For %%A in (*.txt) do (
for /f "tokens=1,3" %%T in ('findstr "^" "%%~fA"') do (
set "USD= %%U"
set "LastDate=!ThisDate!"
set "ThisDate=%%T"
set "Out=!USD:~0,-5!.!USD:~-5,3!,!USD:~-2,2!"
set "Out=!Out: .=!"
>>"%OutFile%" Echo=20!LastDate:~6,2!-!LastDate:~3,2!-!LastDate:~0,2! USD !OUT:~-10!
带有模拟源文件USD * .txt的示例输出:
> sort all_files.txt
2018-06-20 USD 2.211,63
2018-06-24 USD 8.289,45
2018-06-29 USD 9.211,99
2018-07-07 USD 24.653,76
2018-07-09 USD 99.701,32
2018-08-15 USD 291,19
2018-08-15 USD 291,19
2018-08-15 USD 3.291,19
答案 1 :(得分:2)
@echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ROOT=%~dp0." & rem // (directory containing the text files to process)
set "_MASK=*.txt" & rem // (file name pattern for the text files to process)
set "_LIST=all_files.txt" & rem // (name or path of the resulting text file)
set "_TEMP=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%.tmp" & rem // (name or path to temporary file)
set "_CURR=USD" & rem // (currency symbol or abbreviation to be returned)
set /A "_LPAD=0" & rem // (minimal character width of the returned amount)
rem // Apply default values, if applicable:
if not defined _LIST set "_LIST=con"
if defined _CURR set "_CURR=%_CURR% "
rem // Temporarily change to directory containing the text files:
pushd "%_ROOT%" && (
rem // Write output to temporary text file:
> "%_TEMP%" (
rem // Resolve path of resulting text file:
for %%E in ("%_LIST%") do (
rem // Loop through all text files sorted by ages:
for /F "delims= eol=|" %%F in ('dir /B /A:-D /O:D "%_MASK%"') do (
rem // Exclude resulting text file if it is in same location:
if /I not "%%~fF"=="%%~fE" (
rem // Initialise variables for date and amount:
set "DAT=" & set "VAL=" & set "PRE=" & set "KEY="
rem // Iterate through lines of current text file:
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,3" %%G in ("%%~F") do (
rem // Store certain token (amount if last line):
set "VAL=%%H"
rem // Delay storage of another token (date):
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%J in ("!DAT!") do (
set "PRE=%%J/%%K/%%L"
rem // Build sortable date format (sort key):
if %%L lss 70 (
set "KEY=20%%L/%%K/%%J"
) else (
set "KEY=19%%L/%%K/%%J"
) || endlocal
set "DAT=%%G"
rem // Check whether date and amount tokens are found:
if defined PRE if defined VAL (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem /* Convert amount to decimal number with digit grouping
rem of thousands in a separate sub-routine: */
call :CONV STR "!VAL!" !_LPAD!
rem // Return resulting string:
echo(!KEY! !PRE! !_CURR!!STR!
rem // Write output to resulting text file:
> "%_LIST%" (
rem // Read sorted temporary text file and split off sort key:
for /F "tokens=1*" %%K in ('sort "%_TEMP%"') do (
rem // Return remaining string:
rem // Clean up temporary file:
del "%_TEMP%"
exit /B
:CONV <rtn_string> <val_amount> <val_width>
::::Sub-routine to convert a pure natural integer number to a fractional number
::::with two decimal places and with digits grouped to thousands. If the input
::::value contains characters other than decimal digits, it is returned as is.
:::: <rtn_string> name of variable to receive the resulting output string;
:::: <val_amount> the input value to be converted;
:::: <val_width> minimal character width of the output string; if greater
:::: than zero, the output string is padded on the left with
:::: spaces to take at least as many characters specified;
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "#RES=%~1"
set "AMT=%~2"
set "WID=%~3"
rem // Convert width argument to an integer number:
set /A "WID+=0"
rem /* Check whether the input value contains characters other than decimal
rem digits and skip processing in case: */
for /F "delims=0123456789 eol=0" %%Z in ("%AMT%") do (
set "SEP=%AMT%"
goto :QUIT
rem // Extract fractional part from input value:
set "AMT=00%AMT%"
set "FRA=%AMT:~-2%"
rem // Remove trailing zeros from integer part:
for /F "tokens=* delims=0" %%Z in ("%AMT:~,-2%") do set "AMT=%%Z"
if not defined AMT set "AMT=0"
rem // Do digit grouping to thousands in a loop from right to left:
set "SEP=."
if not "%AMT:~,-3%"=="" (
set "SEP=.%AMT:~-3%%SEP%"
set "AMT=%AMT:~,-3%"
goto :LOOP
rem // Assemble converted value:
set "SEP=%AMT%%SEP:~,-1%,%FRA%"
rem // Pad value to the left with spaces if a positive width is given:
if %WID% leq 0 goto :QUIT
if %WID% gtr 24 set "WID=24"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "!SEP:~,-%WID%!"=="" (
set "SEP= !SEP!"
set "SEP=!SEP:~-%WID%!"
endlocal & set "SEP=%SEP%"
rem // Return (potentially) converted and padded output value:
set "%#RES%=%SEP%"
exit /B
答案 2 :(得分:1)
FOR %%f in (*.txt) DO (
FOR /F "tokens=1,3" %%a IN (%%f) DO (
REM Keep the two most recent stamps.
REM Keep the last amount datum.
REM Format the amount. This is tricky to do intelligently with CMD.
REM -> #########,##
REM Add the digit grouping for thousands
REM Add the digit grouping for millions
REM CMD only uses 32-bit integers, so you millions are the largest value you'll ever get (last 2 digits are hundredths)
更新:添加了对* .txt的循环(并在循环内对变量使用了延迟扩展),并结合了@LotPings的右对齐想法(他为+1)。
答案 3 :(得分:1)
## Q:\Test\2018\06\27\SO_51064650.ps1
$InFile = ".\*.txt"
$OutFile = "all_files.txt"
$DateUSD = ForEach ($File in (Get-ChildItem $InFile -File -Exclude $OutFile)){
$Text = (Get-Content $File | Select-Object -Last 2)
$USD = [Decimal](($Text[1] -split ' +')[2]/100)
Date = ($Text[0] -split ' +')[0]
USD2 = "{0,11:C}" -f $USD
USD3 = "{0,9:N}" -f $USD
USD4 = "USD {0,9:N}" -f $USD
$DateUSD | Sort-Object {[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Date,'dd/MM/yy',$Null)} |
ft -auto | Out-String | Set-Content $OutFile
为前缀的纯文本> Get-Content .\all_files.txt
---- ---- ---- ---- ----
20/06/18 2211,63 2.211,63 € 2.211,63 USD 2.211,63
24/06/18 8289,45 8.289,45 € 8.289,45 USD 8.289,45
29/06/18 9211,99 9.211,99 € 9.211,99 USD 9.211,99
07/07/18 24653,76 24.653,76 € 24.653,76 USD 24.653,76
09/07/18 99701,32 99.701,32 € 99.701,32 USD 99.701,32
15/08/18 291,19 291,19 € 291,19 USD 291,19
15/08/18 3291,19 3.291,19 € 3.291,19 USD 3.291,19
15/08/18 291,19 291,19 € 291,19 USD 291,19