
时间:2018-06-27 11:39:16

标签: perl sockets

TL; DR我正在尝试使用欺骗性的源IP将已经创建的syslog消息发送到syslog服务器,但我为此感到非常困难,可以采用简洁的方法 < / p>


我正在写(很好地更新)我很久以前写的一个脚本,该脚本生成欺骗的syslog消息(使用UDP)。它当前使用Net :: RawIP,它对可移植性很糟糕,而且我很久以前编写的传输代码已经决定停止在Perl 5中工作(我已经很长时间没有使用它了,我正在刷新它)。多年来,我一直在意摆脱Net :: RawIP,但这是我唯一会使用的方法!

鉴于我必须对其进行修复,因此我现在可能有一点时间想使用Socket功能,这就是我一直在使用的功能-使用SO或gist或我可以找到的其他地方的代码-而不是类似IO :: Socket之类的东西,因为我需要具有欺骗性的IPs权限,因为它具有较低的写套接字能力。




  • 必须来自伪造的源IP并转到已知的目标IP (因此,我正在使用UDP)(两者都在config变量中),以便syslog服务器上的许多不同设备生成的日志都由
  • 必须从固定端口进入固定端口(我都拥有这两个端口) 现有的配置变量)
  • 必须包含一条我已经形成的消息,其中包括所有系统日志内容(PRI和系统日志消息内容)
  • 收到后必须完全抱怨校验和和数据包长度等
  • 尽可能地可移植(我可能会将其嵌入到主脚本中,以将其全部保存在一个可以与他人共享的文件中)。


NB这在Sourceforge中被共享为“ must syslog”,因此您可以看到我曾经做过的事情,但是请注意它已停止工作,因此如果您当前运行它将无法工作!解决此问题后,我将上传新版本。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



use Socket;
use List::Util qw(sum);

sub udp_checksum {
    # thanks to ikegami in post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46181281/udp-checksum-function-in-perl
    my $packed_src_addr = shift;  # As 4-char string, e.g. as returned by inet_aton.
     my $packed_dst_addr = shift;  # As 4-char string, e.g. as returned by inet_aton.
    my $udp_packet      = shift;  # UDP header and data as a string.

    my $sum = sum(
    map({ unpack('n*', $_) }
        $udp_packet."\0",  # Extra byte ignored if length($udp_packet) is even.

    while (my $hi = $sum >> 16) {
        $sum = ($sum & 0xFFFF) + $hi;

    return ~$sum & 0xFFFF;

#this was found and adapted from http://rhosted.blogspot.com/2009/08/creating-udp-packetip-spoofing-through.html

$src_host = $ARGV[0];
$dst_host = $ARGV[1];
$src_port = 33333;
$dest_port = 514;
$cksum = 0; #initialise, we will sort this later

#$udp_len is the udp packet length in the udp header. Its just 8 plus the length of the data
#for this test harness we will set the data here too
$data = "<132> %FWSM-3-106010: Deny inbound tcp src outside: dst inside:";
$udp_len = 8+length($data);

$udp_proto = 17; #17 is the code for udp

#Prepare the udp packet, needed for the checksum to happen, then get the checksum (horrifically complicated, just google it)
$udp_packet = pack("nnnna*", $src_port,$dest_port,$udp_len, $cksum, $data);
$cksum = udp_checksum(inet_aton($src_host),inet_aton($dst_host),$udp_packet);

$zero_cksum = 0; 

#test harness checks about host IPs
my $dst_host = (gethostbyname($dst_host))[4]; my $src_host = (gethostbyname($src_host))[4];

# Now lets construct the IP packet
my $ip_ver = 4;
my $ip_len = 5;
my $ip_ver_len = $ip_ver . $ip_len;
my $ip_tos = 00;
my ($ip_tot_len) = $udp_len + 20;
my $ip_frag_id = 19245;
my $ip_frag_flag = "010";
my $ip_frag_oset = "0000000000000";
my $ip_fl_fr = $ip_frag_flag . $ip_frag_oset;
my $ip_ttl = 30;

#H2H2nnB16C2na4a4 for the IP Header part#nnnna* for the UDP Header part.
#To understand these, see the manual of pack function and IP and UDP Header formats
#IP checksum ($zero_cksum is calculated by the kernel. Dont worry about it.)

my ($pkt) = pack('H2H2nnB16C2na4a4nnnna*',
$dst_host,$src_port,$dest_port,$udp_len, $cksum, $data);

#bit that makes the socket and sends the packet
socket(RAW, AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, 255) || die $!; setsockopt(RAW, 0, 1, 1);
my ($destination) = pack('Sna4x8', AF_INET, $dest_port, $dst_host);