
时间:2018-06-26 21:40:47

标签: firefox build mozilla llvm-clang

我正在尝试从源代码构建Firefox(60.esr)。我遵循了Build Firefox on Windows中提到的步骤。但是失败了。

方法1: 我按照Windows Build Instruction中提到的所有步骤进行操作。 生成过程因错误而失败。

 0:24.36 ERROR: Could not find LLVM/Clang installation for compiling stylo build-time
 0:24.36 bindgen.  Please specify the 'LLVM_CONFIG' environment variable
 0:24.36 (recommended), pass the '--with-libclang-path' and '--with-clang-path'
 0:24.36 options to configure, or put 'llvm-config' in your PATH.  Altering your
 0:24.36 PATH may expose 'clang' as well, potentially altering your compiler,
 0:24.36 which may not be what you intended.


方法2: 因为期望LLVM / clang,所以我安装了LLVM / Clang 6.0,并在环境变量中添加了 LLVM_CONFIG

然后我执行了mach build。添加LLVM_CONFIG修复了方法1中引起的错误。 但是构建再次失败并出现错误。

 0:16.24 c:/Users/n182s826/mozilla/mozilla-central/old-configure: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
 0:18.59 m.AllocationBase 0x0, m.BaseAddress 0x607A0000, m.RegionSize 0x240000, m.State 0x10000
 0:18.59 C:\mozilla-build\msys\bin\sh.exe: *** Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap (0x607A0000 <0xB80000>) in child, Win32 error 0
 0:18.59       0 [main] sh 13328 sync_with_child: child 14220(0x3B8) died before initialization with status code 0x1
 0:18.59      51 [main] sh 13328 sync_with_child: *** child state waiting for longjmp
 0:18.59 c:/Users/n182s826/mozilla/mozilla-central/old-configure: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
 0:18.61 ERROR: old-configure failed
 0:18.65 *** Fix above errors and then restart with\
 0:18.65                "c:/mozilla-build/mozmake/mozmake.EXE -f build"


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