Sub ImportWordTable()
Dim wdDoc As Object
Dim wdFileName As Variant
Dim TableNo As Integer 'table number in Word
Dim iRow As Long 'row index in Excel
Dim iCol As Integer 'column index in Excel
wdFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Word files ,*.doc;*.docx;*.docm", , _
"Browse for file containing table to be imported")
If wdFileName = False Then Exit Sub '(user cancelled import file browser)
Set wdDoc = GetObject(wdFileName) 'open Word file
With wdDoc
TableNo = wdDoc.TAbles.Count
If TableNo = 0 Then
MsgBox "This document contains no tables", _
vbExclamation, "Import Word Table"
ElseIf TableNo > 1 Then
TableNo = InputBox("This Word document contains " & TableNo & " tables." & vbCrLf & _
"Enter table number of table to import", "Import Word Table", "1")
End If
With .TAbles(TableNo).Range.Copy
Application.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PasteSourceFormatting"
End With
End With
Set wdDoc = Nothing
End Sub
无论如何,我想做的是: 1)从Excel中选择打开Word文档 2)打开Word文档后自动运行宏 3)退出word并返回到excel,我将在该系列中调用下一个宏。
Sub RunWordMacroExe()
Dim oWFile As String
wdFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Word files ,*.doc;*.docx;*.docm", , _
"Browse for file containing table to be imported")
End Sub