@echo off
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
SET _INSTANCE=someinstance
SET _DATABASE=somedatabase
SET "_SCRIPTFOLDER=D:\Scripts for Testing"
SET "_OUTPUTFOLDER=D:\Output for Testing"
FOR %%S IN (
) DO (
SET /P _MSGa=Generating CSV: %%~nS.csv ... <NUL
sqlcmd -b -S %_INSTANCE% -d %_DATABASE% -i "%%~fS" -s "|" -o "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\%%~nS.csv" -W
IF ERRORLEVEL >= 1 GOTO sqlcomderrorhandling
SET /P _MSGb=file created. Removing header dashes ... <NUL
REM REM Remove the line with dashes below the header
@FINDSTR /r /b /v /c:"-*|" "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\%%~nS.csv" > "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%"\tmp.txt
IF ERRORLEVEL >= 1 GOTO findstrerrorhandling
IF ERRORLEVEL >= 1 GOTO copyerrorhandling
ECHO done.
DEL /Q /F "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%"\tmp.txt
GOTO done
ECHO An error occurred while processing the file %%~nS.csv
答案 0 :(得分:0)
@Echo Off
Set "_INSTANCE=someinstance"
Set "_DATABASE=somedatabase"
Set "_SCRIPTFOLDER=D:\Scripts for Testing"
Set "_OUTPUTFOLDER=D:\Output for Testing"
If Not Exist "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\" (Echo Output folder doesn't exist
Timeout 3 /NoBreak >Nul
GoTo :EOF)
If Not Exist "%_SCRIPTFOLDER%\*.sql" (Echo Source folder doesn't contain any SQL files
Timeout 3 /NoBreak >Nul
GoTo :EOF)
CD /D "%_SCRIPTFOLDER%" 2>Nul || (Echo Source folder, %_SCRIPTFOLDER%, is not available.
Timeout 3 /NoBreak >Nul
GoTo :EOF)
For %%A In (*.sql) Do (
Echo Generating CSV: %%~nA.csv ...
SQLCmd -b -S %_INSTANCE% -d %_DATABASE% -i "%%A" -s "|" -o "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\%%~nA.csv" -W 2>Nul && (
Echo File created. Removing header dashes ...
Findstr "[^-|]" "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\%%~nA.csv">"%_OUTPUTFOLDER%"\%%~nA.tmp" && (
Move /Y "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%"\%%~nA.tmp" "%_OUTPUTFOLDER%\%%~nA.csv">Nul 2>&1 || (
Echo A Move error occurred while moving %%~nA.tmp
Timeout 2 /NoBreak >Nul)) || (Echo A FindStr error occurred while removing header dashes
Timeout 2 /NoBreak >Nul)) || (Echo A SQLCmd error occurred while processing the file %%~nS.csv
Timeout 2 /NoBreak >Nul))