在不使用Entity Framework Core包含的情况下加载相关实体

时间:2018-06-26 11:36:04

标签: linq entity-framework-core

我打算在不使用C#/ Entity Framework中包含的情况下加载相关实体。 在我的示例中,我使用了左联接来加载所有问题选项,这些选项仅在我在LINQ查询的select语句中明确地说出时才显示。我的问题是如何确保在LINQ查询中的select中没有定义相关实体的情况下加载相关实体。


public class QuestionDataModel : BasicDataModel
    public QuestionDataModel()
        QuestionOptions = new HashSet<QuestionOptionDataModel>();


    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<QuestionOptionDataModel> QuestionOptions { get; set; }



var q1 = (
           from question in Context.Questions
            join options in Context.QuestionOptions on question.Id equals options.QuestionId into qo
             where question.ConsultationId == Guid.Parse("10324003-0012-4D99-95D8-7E7189CA3888")
                select new
                    //,qo  // it only loads questionOption if qo is here, I need to do without that, since it is collection property in QuestionDataModel class

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如果您要获取ID == 4的Question及其一万个QuestionOptions,则知道每个QuestionOption都会有一个QuestionId,其值为4.您将以一万次的次数传输该值4,而您可能甚至不会使用它,因为您已经知道它等于Question.Id


解决方案是:仅当您计划更新数据库项目时才使用包括。   在所有其他情况下,请使用“选择”。   仅选择您实际打算使用的属性。


var result = context.Questions.Join(context.QuestionOptions, // join Questions and QuestionOptions
    question => question.Id,                      // from every Question take the Id
    questionOption => questionOption.QuestionId,  // from every Option take the QuestionId
    (question, questionOption) => new              // when they match make a new object
    {    // Select only the properties you plan to use:
         Question = new 
             Id = question.Id,
             ... other question properties
         Option = new
             Id = questionOption.Id,
             // not needed: questionOption.QuestionId, it equals Question.Id
             ... other properties you plan to use


如果您希望每个Question with its QuestionOptions,请考虑使用Queryable.GroupBy

var questionsWithTheirOptions = context.Questions
   .GroupJoin(context.QuestionOptions,            // GroupJoin Questions and QuestionOptions
    question => question.Id,                      // from every Question take the Id
    questionOption => questionOption.QuestionId,  // from every Option take the QuestionId
    (question, optionsOfQuestion) => new          // when they match make a new object
    {   // desired Question Properties
        Id = question.Id,

        // The options of this question:
        Options = optionsOfQuestion.Select(option => new
            Id = questionOption.Id,
            // not needed: questionOption.QuestionId, it equals Question.Id