#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%
SendMode, Input
; -- Ctrl + SPACE -> Select all text + replace whole words only + title case
NonCapitalized := "a|an|in|is|of|the|this|with" ; List of words that shouldn't be capitalized, separated by pipes
ReplacementsFile := "replacements.txt" ; Path to replacements file (tab delimited file with 2 columns, UTF-8-BOM, CR+LF)
Send, ^a ; Selects all text
Gosub, SelectToClip ; Copies the selected text to the clipboard
FileRead, Replacements, % ReplacementsFile ; Reads the replacements file
If ErrorLevel ; Error message if file is not found
MsgBox, % "File not found: " ReplacementsFile
StringUpper, Clipboard, Clipboard, T ; Whole clipboard to title case
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "i)(?<![!?.]) \b(" NonCapitalized ")\b", " $L1") ; Changes to lowercase all words from the list "NonCapitalized", except those preceded by new line/period/exclamation mark/question mark
pos := 0
While pos := RegExMatch(Replacements, "m`a)^([^\t]+)\t(.*)$", FoundReplace, pos + 1) ; Gets all replacements from the tab delimited file
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "i)\b" FoundReplace1 "\b", FoundReplace2) ; Replaces all occurrences in the clipboard
; add exceptions
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "Vice President,", "")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "Director,", "")
Clipboard := StrReplace(Clipboard, "Senior Vice President,", "")
; = End of exceptions
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "^\s+|\s+(?=([\s,;:.]))|\s$") ; Removes extra spaces
Send, ^v ; Pastes the clipboard
Clipboard := ""
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 0
If ErrorLevel
Sleep, 50
答案 0 :(得分:0)
请缩进,否则您的代码将 很多 难以阅读。
assertion requires a sequence of a word character and a non-word character使您的代码无法处理以逗号或点,非单词字符开头的字符串。
... \ b和\ B,因为它们是根据\ w和\ W定义的。
单词边界是主题字符串中当前字符和上一个字符都不都匹配\ w或\ W的位置(即,一个匹配\ w,另一个匹配\ W),或者字符串的开头或结尾,如果第一个或最后一个字符分别与\ w匹配。
#SingleInstance force
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SendMode Input
; -- Ctrl + SPACE -> Select all text + replace whole words only + title case
FunctionNameOfYourChoice() {
; Using static vars allows you to avoid reading the file over and over on each key press.
Static NonCapitalized := "a|an|in|is|of|the|this|with" ; List of words that shouldn't be capitalized, separated by pipes
, ReplacementsFile := "replacements.txt" ; Path to replacements file (tab delimited file with 2 columns, UTF-8-BOM, CR+LF)
, Replacements := ReadReplacements(ReplacementsFile)
Send ^a ; Selects all text
SelectToClip() ; Copies the selected text to the clipboard
If ErrorLevel { ; Error message if file is not found
MsgBox % "File not found: " ReplacementsFile
; 3. StringUpper is deprecated in v2.
; 4. Better to work on a plain variable than on the clipboard in terms of performance and reliability.
cbCnt := Format("{:T}", Clipboard) ; Whole clipboard to title case
; Changes to lowercase all words from the list "NonCapitalized", except those preceded by new line/period/exclamation mark/question mark
cbCnt := RegExReplace(cbCnt, "i)(?<![!?.]) \b(" NonCapitalized ")\b", " $L1")
; Goes through each pair of search and replacement strings
Loop Parse, Replacements, `n, `r
FoundReplace := StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t")
; Replaces all occurrences in the clipboard
, cbCnt := RegExReplace(cbCnt, "i)(?<!\w)\Q" FoundReplace.1 "\E(?!\w)", FoundReplace.2) ; 5.
cbCnt := RegExReplace(cbCnt, "(?<=\w-)([a-z])", "$U1") ; 6.
; Now the following can be included in the replacements.txt file.
cbCnt := StrReplace(cbCnt, "Vice President,")
cbCnt := StrReplace(cbCnt, "Director,")
cbCnt := StrReplace(cbCnt, "Senior Vice President,")
; Removes extra spaces
; This also removes all newlines. Are you sure you want to do this?
Clipboard := RegExReplace(cbCnt, "^\s+|\s+(?=([\s,;:.]))|\s$")
Send ^v ; Pastes the clipboard
SelectToClip() {
Clipboard := ""
Send ^c
ClipWait 0.5 ; Specifying 0 wouldn't be a very good idea.
If ErrorLevel
Sleep 50
ReadReplacements(path) {
FileRead, Replacements, % path
Return Replacements
作为一种不够优雅的临时措施,用于解决您所描述的带连字符的单词的问题,但请注意,它本质上是一个 non琐碎问题,因为它们的大小写取决于语义。