Private index As Integer
Private id As String
Private nameID() As Variant
Private data() As Variant
Private cnt As Integer
Public Sub init(value As Integer)
index = 0
cnt = value
id = ""
ReDim nameID(0 To cnt)
ReDim data(0 To cnt)
End Sub
Property Let setID(value As String)
id = value
End Property
Property Let setName(value As String)
nameID(index) = value
End Property
Property Let setNameArray(value As Variant)
nameID = value
End Property
Property Let setData(value As String)
data(index) = value
index = index + 1
End Property
。 nameID和data都是包含我的ID及其值的数组。有没有办法在字典中做到这一点,或者我可以将其导入吗?