What doesn't the disk size in the portal match what I see in my VM File Explorer?

时间:2018-06-24 23:52:09

标签: azure-virtual-machine

I spun up a new VM which gave me a 128GB OS disk. I expanded the size of that to 512GB, which can be seen below:

enter image description here


但是,当我进入虚拟机时,打开File Explorer并查看我的硬盘容量,我仍然看到相同的原始大小:

enter image description here


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您需要从门户启动VM并连接到VM。转到磁盘管理,您会注意到磁盘大小现在已更改为512 GB。右键单击该卷,然后选择“扩展卷”。请按照屏幕上的步骤扩展音量。

enter image description here

在那之后,您将看到扩展磁盘。刷新,回到C:\进行验证。 enter image description here