$string = "my name";
$search_exploded = explode( " ", $string );
$num = count( $search_exploded );
$cart = array();
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $num; $i ++ ) {
$cart[] = 's';
$str = implode( '', $cart );
$inputArray[] = &$str;
$j = count( $search_exploded );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $j; $i ++ ) {
$inputArray[] = &$search_exploded[ $i ];
print_r( $inputArray );
foreach ( $search_exploded as $search_each ) {
$x ++;
if ( $x == 1 ) {
$construct .= "name LIKE %?%";
} else {
$construct .= " or name LIKE %?%";
$query = "SELECT * FROM info WHERE $construct";
$stmt = mysqli_prepare( $conn, $query );
call_user_func_array( array( $stmt, 'bind_param' ), $inputArray );
if ( mysqli_stmt_execute( $stmt ) ) {
$result = mysqli_stmt_get_result( $stmt );
if ( mysqli_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) {
echo $foundnum = mysqli_num_rows( $result );
while( $row = mysqli_fetch_array( $result, MYSQLI_ASSOC ) ) {
echo $id = $row['id'];
echo $name = $row['name'];
当我print_r $ inputArray输出是这样的时候:
Array ( [0] => ss [1] => my [2] => name )
错误日志中没有错误显示。 我在这里做什么错了,请告诉我。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
包装使用参数而不是占位符。 (有关其他说明,请参见嵌入式注释)
$string = " b c ";
$strings = array_unique(preg_split('~\s+~', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY)); // isolate and remove duplicates
$where = '';
$types = '';
foreach ($strings as $s) {
$params[] = "%{$s}%"; // wrap values in percent signs for LIKE
$where .= (!$where ? " WHERE" : " OR") . " name LIKE ?"; // build clause
$types .= 's';
// echo "<div>{$where}</div>"; // uncomment if you wish to see what is generated
if (!$conn = new mysqli("host", "user", "pass", "db")) {
echo "Database Connection Error: " , $conn->connect_error;
} else {
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM info{$where}";
if(!$stmt = $conn->prepare($query)) {
echo "Syntax Error @ prepare: " , $conn->error; // don't show to public
if ($where) {
array_unshift($params, $types); // prepend the type values string
$ref = []; // add references
foreach ($params as $i => $v) {
$ref[$i] = &$params[$i]; // pass by reference as required/advised by the manual
call_user_func_array([$stmt, 'bind_param'], $ref);
if (!$stmt->execute()) {
echo "Error @ bind_param/execute: " , $stmt->error; // don't show to public
} elseif (!$stmt->bind_result($id, $name)) {
echo "Error @ bind_result: " , $stmt->error; // don't show to public
} else {
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
echo "<div>$id : $name</div>";
答案 1 :(得分:0)
// this is normally in an include() file
function getDBConnection(){
// your DB credentials
$con = new mysqli($hostname, $username,$password, $database);
if($con->connect_error) {
return false;
return $con;
// generic select function.
// takes a query string, an array of parameters, and a string of
// parameter types
// returns an array -
// if $retVal[0] is true, query was successful and returned data
// and $revVal[1...N] contain the results as an associative array
// if $retVal[0] is false, then $retVal[1] either contains the
// message "no records returned" OR it contains a mysql error message
function selectFromDB($query,$params,$paramtypes){
// intitial return;
// establish connection
$con = getDBConnection();
die("db connection error");
// sets up a prepared statement
$stmnt->bind_param($paramtypes, ...$params);
// get our results
$retVal[1]="No records returned";
// close the connection
return $retVal;
// our query, using ? as positional placeholders for our parameters
$q="SELECT useridnum,username FROM users WHERE username=? and password=?";
// our parameters as an array -
// what data types are our params? both strings in this case
// run query and get results
// no matching record OR a query error
if($result[1]=="no records returned"){
// no records
// do stuff
// query error
}else{ // we have matches!
foreach($result[$i] as $key->$val){
print("key:".$key." -> value:".$val);