
时间:2018-06-24 13:01:47

标签: angular routing angular2-routing anchor

我正在制作一个FAQ页面,该页面的顶部所有问题均以超链接的形式出现。当您单击超链接时,您将直接转到页面上可以阅读问题答案的部分。为此,我尝试使用Kaloyan在此处Angular2 Routing with Hashtag to page anchor提供的解决方案。 该解决方案在代码行

  const element = document.querySelector("#" + tree.fragment);

这将显示错误ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': '#1' is not a valid selector.。我能理解为什么会收到此错误,因为它正在寻找选择器,并且得到的输入是#fragment。但是我提到的stackoverflow线程中的每个人都说它有效,所以也许我做错了。当我用getElementById(tree.fragment)替换querySelector时,我不再遇到错误,但是当我单击任一链接时页面不会跳到该部分。有人可以告诉我我做错了什么部分,或者我错过了在提到的线程的解决方案中实现的那部分?谢谢。



import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FaqItem } from './faq-item.model';
import { Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';

  selector: 'app-faq',
  templateUrl: './faq.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./faq.component.css']
export class FaqComponent implements OnInit {

  faqItems: FaqItem[] = EXAMPLE_DATA;

  constructor(router: Router) {

    router.events.subscribe(s => {
      if (s instanceof NavigationEnd) {
        const tree = router.parseUrl(router.url);
        if (tree.fragment) {
          const element = document.querySelector("#" + tree.fragment);
          // const element = document.getElementById(tree.fragment);
          if (element) { element.scrollIntoView(true); }


  ngOnInit() {


const EXAMPLE_DATA: FaqItem[] = [
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},

    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},  {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},
    {id: 1, question: 'How do i use the seedcalendar app?', answer: 'please check the getting started tutorial for this'},

export class FaqItem {
    id: number;
    question: string;
    answer: string;


<section id="top">
    <li *ngFor="let item of faqItems; let i=index">
        <a [routerLink]="['.']" fragment={{i}}>{{item.question}}</a>
  <app-faq-item *ngFor="let item of faqItems; let i=index" 
  [question]="item.question" [answer]="item.answer" [attr.id]="i">

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





<app-faq-item #answers *ngFor="let item of faqItems; let i=index" [...] [...]>


<a href="javascript:;" (click)="scrollTo(i)">{{item.question}}</a>


export class FaqComponent implements OnInit {

  faqItems: FaqItem[] = EXAMPLE_DATA;
  @ViewChildren('answers', { read: ViewContainerRef }) answers;

  scrollTo(index: number) {
    const element = this.answers.toArray()[index].element.nativeElement;
      block: "start", 
      inline: "nearest"
