似乎Java忽略了嵌套在以下代码中的我的for循环之一:(Java仅添加ArrayList arrayListGLines的最后一个GLine数组-而不是同一ArrayList中的所有Array)。感谢任何可以提供帮助的人!
GLine[] decadeLines = new GLine[NDECADES]; // instance var
ArrayList<GLine[]> arrayListGLines = new ArrayList<GLine[]>(); // instance var
private void graph() {
String entryString = database.findEntry(nameField.getText()).toString();
entryString = entryString.replace("[", "");
entryString = entryString.replace(",", "");
entryString = entryString.replace("]", "");
NameSurferEntry entry = new NameSurferEntry(entryString);
for (int i = 0; i < NDECADES - 1; i++) {
decadeLines[i] = new GLine(i * (getWidth()/11), GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE + entry.getRank(i) * (getHeight() - (2 * GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE)) / MAX_RANK, (i + 1) * (getWidth()/11), GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE + entry.getRank(i + 1) * (getHeight() - (2 * GRAPH_MARGIN_SIZE)) / MAX_RANK);
// sorry for the redundancy
for (int i = 0; i < arrayListGLines.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < arrayListGLines.get(i).length - 1; j++) {
System.out.println("arraylistsize " + arrayListGLines.size());
GLine[] arrayGLine = arrayListGLines.get(i);
////add(arrayListGLines.get(i)[j]); alternative
if (i == 3) { // just trying to access the 3rd GLine[] of arrayListGLines
add(arrayListGLines.get(2)[3]); //- can't access this element's object which is a GLine
add(arrayListGLines.get(2)[4]);//- can't access this element's object which is a GLine
add(arrayListGLines.get(2)[5]);//- can't access this element's object which is a GLine
System.out.println("OK");} // been trying to debug that's why i have this
System.out.println(i + " " + j);// been trying to debug that's why i have this