与此问题相似How do I create a diff of hashes with a correction factor? 我想比较数组中的哈希值,但哈希值可以是动态的。
h_array = [
{:roll => "1", :name => "saroj", :class => "mscit"},
{:name => "saroj", :class => "Mscit", :roll => "12", :attendance => "P"},
{:class => "Mscit", :roll => "12", :name => "saroj", :attendance => "F", :remarks => "something"}
get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 2)
# should return
# matched :: {:class=>"Mscit", :roll=>"12", :name=>"saroj"},
# unmatched :: {:attendance=>"F", :remarks=>"something"}
get_diff(h_array, correct_factor = 3)
# should return
# matched :: {:name=>"saroj"},
# unmatched :: {:class=>"Mscit", :roll=>"12", :attendance=>"F", :remarks=>"something"}
答案 0 :(得分:0)
def get_diff(input,correct_factor)
input_hash_merged = Hash.new
solution_hash = Hash.new
input.select{ |x| input_hash_merged.merge!(x) }
input_hash_merged.each do |k,v|
arr = Array.new
freq = Hash.new(0)
input.select{ |x| arr << x[k] unless x[k].nil? }
arr.select{ |x| freq[x] += 1 }
max_element = arr.sort_by { |x| freq[x] }.last
max_count = freq.values.sort.last
solution_hash[k] = max_element unless max_count < correct_factor
unmatched_hash = input_hash_merged.reject{|k,v| !solution_hash[k].nil?}
p solution_hash
p unmatched_hash