
时间:2018-06-22 15:32:25

标签: php smtp

我正在一个php网站上工作,使用google smtp发送邮件,代码工作正常,正在通过google smtp将邮件发送到收件箱。但是现在更改了$ username和$ password,它显示给我这个错误,谢谢你


错误!身份验证失败[SMTP:收到无效的响应代码   从服务器(代码:534,响应:5.7.14),请通过您的网站登录   浏览器和5.7.14,然后重试。 5.7.14在5.7.14了解更多信息

https://support.google.com/mail/answer/78754 y11-v6sm11496340pfn.92-gsmtp)]

require_once 'Mail.php'; //this loads up PEAR Mail   
if (!class_exists('Mail')) { die('Error: The PEAR Mail class does not exist.'); }  
$host = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com';  
$username = '****@gmail.com'; //replace this with your new Gmail address  
$password = '****'; //replace this with your new Gmail account password 
$port = '465';
$from_email = $username;
$from = '"california worker company" <'.$from_email.'>'; //put your name in here, but keep the double quotes
$to = '"california worker company" <softphoton002@gmail.com>'; //put in your name and main email address to send a test to
$subject = 'California Worker Lead for GENERAL CONTRACTORS';

$myname = $_REQUEST['name'];
$myemail = $_REQUEST['email'];
$myphone = $_REQUEST['phone'];
$annualpayroll = $_REQUEST['annualpayroll'];
$numberofemployees = $_REQUEST['numberofemployees'];
$yourbusinesstype = $_REQUEST['yourbusinesstype'];
$healthinsurancecarrier = $_REQUEST['healthinsurancecarrier'];
$payrollservicemethod = $_REQUEST['payrollservicemethod'];
$body = 'Hello Admin <br/> You get a new lead for GENERAL CONTRACTORS.<br/>
Annual Payroll:'.$annualpayroll.'<br/>
Member of Employees:'.$numberofemployees.'<br/>
Business Type:'.$yourbusinesstype.'<br/>
Health Insurance Carrier:'.$healthinsurancecarrier.'<br/>
Payroll Service Method:'.$payrollservicemethod.'<br/>';  

$headers = array(
	'From' => $from,
	'To' => $to,
	'Subject' => $subject,
	'Reply-To' => $from_email,
	'MIME-Version' => 1,
	'Content-type' => 'text/html;UTF-8'

$params = array(
	'host' => $host,
	'port' => $port,
	'auth' => true,  
	'username' => $username,
	'password' => $password  
$smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', $params);

$mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);

// To user email

$headerss = array(
	'From' => $from,
	'To' => $myemail,
	'Subject' => $subject,
	'Reply-To' => $from_email,
	'MIME-Version' => 1,
	'Content-type' => 'text/html;UTF-8'

$paramss = array(
	'host' => $host,
	'port' => $port,
	'auth' => true,  
	'username' => $username,
	'password' => $password  
$smtps = Mail::factory('smtp', $paramss);
$bodys = 'Hello '.$myname.'<br/>
We received your message for Quote on GENERAL CONTRACTOR. We will reply you in next 24-48 hours.<br/>
Thank you';  
$mails = $smtps->send($myemail, $headerss, $bodys);

if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
	echo '<p>Error! '.$mail->getMessage().'</p>';

} else {
header("Location: http://californiaworkercomp.com/general-contractors?success=1");	
//echo '<p>Your test message was sent successfully.</p>';

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