struct A
float x, y;
std::string name;
void move(float x, float y)
this->x += x;
this->y += y;
struct B
float x, y;
int rows, columns;
void move(float x, float y)
this->x += x;
this->y += y;
struct C : public A, public B
void move(float x, float y)
this->x += x; //generates error: "C::x is ambiguous
this->y += y; //generates error: "C::y is ambiguous
void move(float x, float y)
this->x1 += x;
this->y2 += y;
this->x1 += x;
this->y2 += y;
答案 0 :(得分:5)
在C ++中,可以通过在成员变量的类范围前添加前缀来消除歧义:
var express = require('express');
var path = require('path');
var favicon = require('serve-favicon');
var logger = require('morgan');
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var config = require('./config.js');
var nforce = require('nforce');
var dateTime = require('node-datetime');
var routes = require('./routes/index');
var app = express();
var server = require('http').Server(app);
var dt = dateTime.create();
var io = require('socket.io')(server);
// get a reference to the socket once a client connects
var socket = io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { });
var org = nforce.createConnection({
clientId: config.CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: config.CLIENT_SECRET,
redirectUri: config.CALLBACK_URL + '/oauth/_callback',
mode: 'multi',
environment: config.ENVIRONMENT, // optional, sandbox or production, production default
apiVersion: 'v43.0'
org.authenticate({ username: config.USERNAME, password: config.PASSWORD }, function(err, oauth) {
if(err) return console.log(err);
if(!err) {
console.log('*** Successfully connected to Salesforce ***');
// add any logic to perform after login
// subscribe to a pushtopic
var str = org.stream({ topic: config.PUSH_TOPIC, oauth: oauth });
str.on('connect', function(){
console.log('Connected to pushtopic: ' + config.PUSH_TOPIC);
str.on('error', function(error) {
console.log('Error received from pushtopic: ' + error);
str.on('data', function(data) {
console.log('Received the following from pushtopic ---');
var dataStream1 = data['sobject'];
dataStream1['timestamp'] = dateTime.create().format('Y-m-d H:M:S');
var dataStreamFinal = '[' + JSON.stringify(dataStream1) + ']';
var kafka = require('kafka-node'),
HighLevelProducer = kafka.HighLevelProducer,
client = new kafka.Client(),
producer = new HighLevelProducer(client),
payloads = [
{ topic: 'testing1', messages: dataStreamFinal}
producer.on('ready', function () {
producer.send(payloads, function (err, data) {
// emit the record to be displayed on the page
//Send to kafka topic
socket.emit('record-processed', JSON.stringify(dataStreamFinal));
// view engine setup
app.set('views', path.join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'hbs');
app.use(function(req, res, next){
res.io = io;
// uncomment after placing your favicon in /public
//app.use(favicon(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'favicon.ico')));
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
app.use('/', routes);
// catch 404 and forward to error handler
app.use(function(req, res, next) {
var err = new Error('Not Found');
err.status = 404;
// error handlers
// development error handler
// will print stacktrace
if (app.get('env') === 'development') {
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
res.status(err.status || 500);
res.render('error', {
message: err.message,
error: err
// production error handler
// no stacktraces leaked to user
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) {
res.status(err.status || 500);
res.render('error', {
message: err.message,
error: {}
module.exports = {app: app, server: server};