
时间:2018-06-21 19:18:30

标签: winforms powershell


    $checkboxCount = 1
    foreach ($year in $years) {
        $checkbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
        $checkbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
        $checkbox.Location  = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,($checkbox.Size.Height*$checkboxCount-10))
        $checkbox.Text = "Revit $year"
        $checkbox.Checked = $true
            $results.$year = $checkbox.Checked
        $checkboxCount ++


function checkbox_test{
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")

    $results = @{
        one = $true
        two = $true
    $optionCount = 2

    # Set the size of your form
    $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form | Format-List *
    $form.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
    $form.ShowInTaskbar = $false
    $Form.width = 300
    $Form.height = 150
    $Form.Text = ”Px Tools Updater”

    # Set the font of the text to be used within the form
    $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman",12)
    $Form.Font = $Font

    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,7)
    $checkbox1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $checkbox1.Text = "One"
    $checkbox1.Checked = $true


    # create your checkbox 
    $checkbox2 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox2.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,27)
    $checkbox2.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $checkbox2.Text = "Two"
    $checkbox2.Checked = $true

    # Add an OK button
    $OKButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,70)
    $OKButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,30)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"

    #Add a cancel button
    $CancelButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(225,100)
    $CancelButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,30)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    $CancelButton.Margin = 0

        $results.one = $checkbox1.Checked
        $results.two = $checkbox2.Checked

    # Activate the form
    [void] $Form.ShowDialog() 



编辑:我有个想法,$ year在事件处理程序中是没有意义的,所以我添加了

$checkbox.Name = $year


$results.($checkbox.Name) = $checkbox.Checked

$results.($Self.Name) = $checkbox.Checked

但是两者都不高兴。但是奇怪的是,使用$ self会导致将一个奇怪的额外键添加到$ return中。它没有键名,但该值与对任何复选框所做的最后更改相匹配。


$results.2019 = $checkbox.Checked


编辑#3:好的,似乎(某种程度上)答案是不需要事件处理程序,因为无论如何我实际上只关心结束状态。因此,通过进行一些额外的清理以处理“取消”,我有了它,并且它可以正常工作。仍然好奇我如何或者是否可以直接与事件处理程序中的$ results进行交互。

function checkbox_test{
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")

    $years = @('2016', '2017', '2018', '2019')
    $optionCount = $years.Count

    # Set the size of your form
    $Form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
    $form.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
    $form.ShowInTaskbar = $false
    $Form.width = 300
    $Form.height = ($years.Count * 30 + 50 + 40) #150
    $Form.Text = ”Px Tools Updater”

    # Set the font of the text to be used within the form
    $Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman",12)
    $Form.Font = $Font

    # create Checkboxes
    $checkboxCount = 1
    foreach ($year in $years) {
        $checkbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
        $checkbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
        $checkbox.Location  = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,($checkbox.Size.Height*$checkboxCount-10))
        $checkbox.Text = "Revit $year"
        $checkbox.Name = $year
        $checkbox.Checked = $true
        $checkboxCount ++

    # Add an OK button
    $OKButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,30)
    $OKButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,($form.DisplayRectangle.Height - $OKButton.Size.Height - 10))
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
        $Form.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK

    #Add a cancel button
    $CancelButton = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(60,30)
    $CancelButton.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(($form.DisplayRectangle.Width - $CancelButton.Size.Width - 10),($form.DisplayRectangle.Height - $CancelButton.Size.Height - 10))
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"

    # Activate the form
    if ($Form.ShowDialog() -eq 'OK') {
        $results = New-Object Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary
        foreach ($control in $form.Controls) {
            if ($years -contains $control.Name) {
                $results.Add($control.Name, $control.Checked)
    } else {
        $results = $null
    [void] $Form.Dispose


#Call the function
$returned = checkbox_test

Foreach ($key in $returned.keys) {
    Write-Host "[$key] $($returned.$key)!"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

上面用于分配每个复选框事件处理程序的foreach循环有效地覆盖了前一个,因此您仅捕获了最后一个。 (2019)

相反,分配事件处理程序the way it's traditionally done in Windows Forms

$results = New-Object Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary;
foreach ($year in $years) {
    $checkbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.checkbox
    $checkbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,20)
    $checkbox.Location  = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,($checkbox.Size.Height*$checkboxCount-10))
    $checkbox.Text = "Revit $year"
    $checkbox.Name = $year
    $checkbox.Checked = $true
    $results.Add($year, $checkbox.Checked);
    # HERE!
        # $this -eq sender, optionally $_ -eq EventArgs
        $year = $this.name;
        $results.$year = $this.Checked;