预先感谢, 加里
function [f, ca, o] = spider(data,tle,rng,lbl,leg,f)
% create a spider plot for ranking the data
% function [f, ca, o] = spider(data,tle,rng,lbl,leg,f)
% inputs 6 - 5 optional
% data input data (NxM) (# axes (M) x # data sets (N)) class real
% tle spider plot title class char
% rng peak range of the data (Mx1 or Mx2) class real
% lbl cell vector axes names (Mxq) in [name unit] pairs class cell
% leg data set legend identification (1xN) class cell
% f figure handle or plot handle class real
% outptus 3 - 3 optional
% f figure handle class integer
% x axes handle class real
% o series object handles class real
% michael arant - jan 30, 2008
% to skip any parameter, enter null []
% examples
% spider([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12; 13 14 15;16 17 18; ...
% 19 20 21; 22 23 24; 25 26 27]','test plot');
% spider([1 2 3 4; 4 5 6 7; 7 8 9 10; 10 11 12 13; 13 14 15 16; ...
% 16 17 18 19; 19 20 21 22; 22 23 24 25; 25 26 27 28],'test plot', ...
% [[0:3:24]' [5:3:29]'],[],{'Case 1' 'Case 2' 'Case 3' 'Case 4'});
% spider([1 2 3 4; 4 5 6 7; 7 8 9 10; 10 11 12 13; 13 14 15 16; ...
% 16 17 18 19; 19 20 21 22; 22 23 24 25; 25 26 27 28],'test plot', ...
% [],[],{'Case 1' 'Case 2' 'Case 3' 'Case 4'});
% figure; clf; set(gcf,'color','w'); s = zeros(1,4);
% for ii = 1:4; s(ii) = subplot(2,2,ii); end
% spider([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12; 13 14 15;16 17 18; ...
% 19 20 21; 22 23 24; 25 26 27]','test plot 1',[],[],[],s(1));
% spider([1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12; 13 14 15;16 17 18; ...
% 19 20 21; 22 23 24; 25 26 27],'test plot 2',[0 30],[],[],s(2));
% spider([1 2 3 4; 4 5 6 7; 7 8 9 10; 10 11 12 13; 13 14 15 16; ...
% 16 17 18 19; 19 20 21 22; 22 23 24 25; 25 26 27 28]','test plot 3', ...
% [0 30],{'Label 1' 'Unit 1'; 'Label 2' 'Unit 2'; 'Label 3' 'Unit 3'; ...
% 'Label 4' 'Unit 4'},{'Case 1' 'Case 2' 'Case 3' 'Case 4' 'Case 5' ...
% 'Case 6' 'Case 7' 'Case 8' 'Case 9'},s(3));
% spider([1 2 3 4; 4 5 6 7; 7 8 9 10; 10 11 12 13; 13 14 15 16; ...
% 16 17 18 19; 19 20 21 22; 22 23 24 25; 25 26 27 28],'test plot 4', ...
% [[0:3:24]' [5:3:29]'],[],{'Case 1' 'Case 2' 'Case 3' 'Case 4'},s(4));
% data check
if nargin < 1; help spider; error('Need data to plot'); end
% size segments and number of cases
[r c] = size(data);
% exit for too few axes
if r < 3
errordlg('Must have at least three measuremnt axes')
error('Program Termination: Must have a minimum of three axes')
% title
if ~exist('tle','var') || isempty(tle) || ~ischar(tle)
tle = 'Spider Plot';
% check for maximum range
if ~exist('rng','var') || isempty(rng) || ~isreal(rng)
% no range given or range is in improper format
% define new range
rng = [min([min(data,[],2) zeros(r,1)],[],2) max(data,[],2)];
% check for negative minimum values
if ~isempty(ismember(-1,sign(data)))
% negative value found - adjust minimum range
for ii = 1:r
% negative range for axis ii - set new minimum
if min(data(ii,:)) < 0
rng(ii,1) = min(data(ii,:)) - ...
0.25 * (max(data(ii,:)) - min(data(ii,:)));
elseif size(rng,1) ~= r
if size(rng,1) == 1
% assume that all axes have commom scale
rng = ones(r,1) * rng;
% insuffent range definition
uiwait(msgbox(char('Range size must be Mx1 - number of axes x 1', ...
sprintf('%g axis ranges defined, %g axes exist',size(rng,1),r))))
error(sprintf('%g axis ranges defined, %g axes exist',size(rng,1),r))
elseif size(rng,2) == 1
% assume range is a maximum range - define minimum
rng = sort([min([zeros(r,1) min(data,[],2) - ...
0.25 * (max(data,[],2) - min(data,[],2))],[],2) rng],2);
% check for axis labels
if ~exist('lbl','var') || isempty(lbl)
% no labels given - define a default lable
lbl = cell(r,1); for ii = 1:r; lbl(ii) = cellstr(sprintf('Axis %g',ii)); end
elseif size(lbl,1) ~= r
if size(lbl,2) == r
lbl = lbl';
uiwait(msgbox(char('Axis labels must be Mx1 - number of axes x 1', ...
sprintf('%g axis labels defined, %g axes exist',size(lbl,1),r))))
error(sprintf('%g axis labels defined, %g axes exist',size(lbl,1),r))
elseif ischar(lbl)
% check for charater labels
lbl = cellstr(lbl);
if ~exist('leg','var') || isempty(leg)
% no data legend - define default legend
leg = cell(1,c); for ii = 1:c; leg(ii) = cellstr(sprintf('Set %g',ii)); end
elseif numel(leg) ~= c
uiwait(msgbox(char('Data set label must be 1XN - 1 x number of sets', ...
sprintf('%g data sets labeled, %g exist',numel(leg),c))))
error(sprintf('%g data sets labeled, %g exist',numel(leg),c))
% check for figure or axes
if ~exist('f','var')
% no figure or axes requested - generate new ones
f = figure; ca = gca(f); cla(ca); hold on; set(f,'color','w')
elseif ismember(f,get(0,'children')')
% existing figure - clear and set up
ca = gca(f); hold on;
elseif isint(f)
% generating a new figure
figure(f); ca = gca(f); cla(ca); hold on
% may be an axes - may be garbage
%is this an axes?
if ismember(get(f,'parent'),get(0,'children')')
% existing figure axes - use
ca = f; f = get(f,'parent'); hold on
% make new figure and axes
disp(sprintf('Invalid axes handle %g passed. Generating new figure',f))
f = figure; ca = gca(f); cla(ca); hold on
% set the axes to the current text axes
% set to add plot
% clear figure and set limits
set(ca,'visible','off'); set(f,'color','w')
set(ca,'xlim',[-1.25 1.25],'ylim',[-1.25 1.25]); axis(ca,'equal','manual')
% title
% define data case colors
col = color_index(c);
% scale by range
angw = linspace(0,2*pi,r+1)';
mag = (data - rng(:,1) * ones(1,c)) ./ (diff(rng,[],2) * ones(1,c));
% scale trimming
mag(mag < 0) = 0; mag(mag > 1) = 1;
% wrap data (close the last axis to the first)
ang = angw(1:end-1); angwv = angw * ones(1,c); magw = [mag; mag(1,:)];
% make the plot
% define the axis locations
start = [zeros(1,r); cos(ang')]; stop = [zeros(1,r); sin(ang')];
% plot the axes
plot(ca,start,stop,'color','k','linestyle','-'); axis equal
% plot axes markers
inc = 0.25:.25:1; mk = .025 * ones(1,4); tx = 4 * mk; tl = 0:.25:1;
% loop each axis ang plot the line markers and labels
% add axes
for ii = 1:r
% plot tick marks
tm = plot(ca,[[cos(ang(ii)) * inc + sin(ang(ii)) * mk]; ...
[cos(ang(ii)) * inc - sin(ang(ii)) * mk]], ...
[[sin(ang(ii)) * inc - cos(ang(ii)) * mk] ;
[sin(ang(ii)) * inc + cos(ang(ii)) * mk]],'color','k');
% label the tick marks
for jj = 1:4
% temp = text([cos(ang(ii)) * inc(jj) + sin(ang(ii)) * tx(jj)], ...
% [sin(ang(ii)) * inc(jj) - cos(ang(ii)) * tx(jj)], ...
% num2str(chop(rng(ii,1) + inc(jj)*diff(rng(ii,:)),2)), ...
% 'fontsize',8);
temp = text([cos(ang(ii)) * inc(jj) + sin(ang(ii)) * tx(jj)], ...
[sin(ang(ii)) * inc(jj) - cos(ang(ii)) * tx(jj)], ...
num2str(rd(rng(ii,1) + inc(jj)*diff(rng(ii,:)),-2)), ...
% flip the text alignment for lower axes
if ang(ii) >= pi
% label each axis
temp = text([cos(ang(ii)) * 1.1 + sin(ang(ii)) * 0], ...
[sin(ang(ii)) * 1.1 - cos(ang(ii)) * 0], ...
% flip the text alignment for right side axes
if ang(ii) > pi/2 && ang(ii) < 3*pi/2
% plot the data
o = polar(ca,angw*ones(1,c),magw);
% set color of the lines
for ii = 1:c; set(o(ii),'color',col(ii,:),'linewidth',1.5); end
% apply the legend
temp = legend(o,leg,'location','best');
function [v] = rd(v,dec)
% quick round function (to specified decimal)
% function [v] = rd(v,dec)
% inputs 2 - 1 optional
% v number to round class real
% dec decimal loaction class integer
% outputs 1
% v result class real
% positive dec shifts rounding location to the right (larger number)
% negative dec shifts rounding location to the left (smaller number)
% michael arant
% Michelin Maericas Research and Development Corp
if nargin < 1; help rd; error('I/O error'); end
if nargin == 1; dec = 0; end
v = v / 10^dec;
v = round(v);
v = v * 10^dec;
function [val] = color_index(len)
% get unique colors for each item to plot
% function [val] = color_index(len)
% inputs 1
% len number of objects class integer
% outputs 1
% val color vector class real
% michael arant
if nargin < 1 || nargout < 1; help color_index; error('I / O error'); end
if len == 1
val = [0 0 0];
% initial color posibilities (no white)
% default color scale
col = [ 0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 1
0 1 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0];
% reduce if fewer than 6 items are needed (no interpolation needed)
switch len
case 1, col([2 3 4 5 6 7],:) = [];
case 2, col([2 3 4 5 6],:) = [];
case 3, col([3 4 5 6],:) = [];
case 4, col([3 5 6],:) = [];
case 5, col([5 6],:) = [];
case 6, col(6,:) = [];
% number of requested colors
val = zeros(len,3); val(:,3) = linspace(0,1,len)';
% interpolate to fill in colors
val(:,1) = interp1q(linspace(0,1,size(col,1))',col(:,1),val(:,3));
val(:,2) = interp1q(linspace(0,1,size(col,1))',col(:,2),val(:,3));
val(:,3) = interp1q(linspace(0,1,size(col,1))',col(:,3),val(:,3));
function [res] = isint(val)
% determines if value is an integer
% function [res] = isint(val)
% inputs 1
% val value to be checked class real
% outputs 1
% res result (1 is integer, 0 is not) class integer
% michael arant may 15, 2004
if nargin < 1; help isint; error('I / O error'); end
% numeric?
if ~isnumeric(val); error('Must be numeric'); end
% check for real number
if isreal(val) & isnumeric(val)
% check for integer
if round(val) == val
res = 1;
res = 0;
res = 0;