我正在将此库与具有Raspbian和Adafruit I2S mems麦克风的Raspberry pi 3配合使用。我可以在树莓派上使用i2s麦克风,并且可以正常录制,但是在const auto it = search(cbegin(x), cend(x), cbegin(value), cend(value));
if(it != cend(x)) {
x.replace(it, next(it, size(value)), crbegin(value), crend(value));
与Google Speech Cloud API一起使用时却无法正常工作,我做了一些Trickery,并且与{ {1}}。
speech_recognition / __ init __。py
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate)未知的PCM bluealsa 对/ tmp / jack-1000 / default / jack_0的connect(2)调用失败(err =否 文件或目录)尝试连接服务器失败说点什么! Google Cloud Speech认为您说你好
但是尝试 background_listening.py
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone(device_index = 2, sample_rate = 48000) as source:
print("Say something!")
audio = r.record(source, duration = 5)
ALSA lib pcm.c:2495:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate)未知的PCM bluealsa 对/ tmp / jack-1000 / default / jack_0的connect(2)调用失败(err =否 文件或目录)尝试连接服务器失败
我使用的是 speech_recognition / init 的相同设置。没有给出输出。
我停留在下面给出的循环中,不要前进,也不要调用回调(识别器,音频)。我正在使用### init.py self.format = self.pyaudio_module.paInt32 < / strong>,并且belove代码也来自同一
self.device_index = device_index
self.format = self.pyaudio_module.paInt32
102982050 117976102.818-从头开始并始终处于高电平,因此永不中断,即使在讲话后,也要在dynamic_energy_threshold内部 119548935.608内部的dynamic_energy_threshold结束-6.1.1 97861662 119548935.608内部dynamic_energy_threshold 120722993.56结束在里面的dynamic_energy_threshold监听-6.1.1 84062664 120722993.56
import time
import speech_recognition as sr
# this is called from the background thread
def callback(recognizer, audio):
GOOGLE_KEY= r"""{ MY KEY }"""
# received audio data, now we'll recognize it using Google Speech Recognition
print("Google Speech Recognition thinks you said " + recognizer.recognize_google_cloud(audio, credentials_json=GOOGLE_KEY))
except sr.UnknownValueError:
print("Google Speech Recognition could not understand audio")
except sr.RequestError as e:
print("Could not request results from Google Speech Recognition service; {0}".format(e))
r = sr.Recognizer()
with sr.Microphone(device_index=2, sample_rate = 48000) as source:
r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) # we only need to calibrate once, before we start listening
# start listening in the background (note that we don't have to do this inside a `with` statement)
stop_listening = r.listen_in_background(source, callback)
# `stop_listening` is now a function that, when called, stops background listening
# do some unrelated computations for 5 seconds
for _ in range(50): time.sleep(0.1) # we're still listening even though the main thread is doing other things
# calling this function requests that the background listener stop listening
# do some more unrelated things
while True: time.sleep(0.1)
105836705 116487614.952 =这是能量阈值,始终很高。并继续循环内部能量 105836705 105836705.0
答案 0 :(得分:0)
所以我做了个变通, 解决方案- speech_recognition / __ init__.py-库
麦克风。__init __()-方法
self.format = self.pyaudio_module.paInt32
识别器/ adjust_for_ambient_noise-方法
energy = audioop.rms(buffer, source.SAMPLE_WIDTH)/1000000
它的运行确实非常完美,但是现在我必须找到一种方法,如果没有语音,则可以停止 发送请求 到 Google语音API。