发布到rsstudio connect时出错-R

时间:2018-06-21 10:59:03

标签: r openssl redhat shiny-server rstudio-server

发布到安装在Linux REDHAT 7上的R-connect时,尽管我已经安装了openssl,但仍收到以下错误,但PATH指向openssl和pkg-config,而PKG_CONFIG_PATH和PKG_CONFIG_PATH包含包含openssl.pc文件的目录


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ConsoleApplication51
    class Program
        const string FILENAME1 = @"c:\temp\test1.xml";
        const string FILENAME2 = @"c:\temp\test2.xml";
        static void Main(string[] args)

            XDocument doc1 = XDocument.Load(FILENAME1);

            var result1 = doc1.Descendants("PULL").FirstOrDefault()
                .Elements().Select(x => new { tagName = x.Name.LocalName, value = (string)x }).ToList();

            XDocument doc2 = XDocument.Load(FILENAME2);

            var result2 = doc2.Descendants("PULL").FirstOrDefault()
                .Elements().Select(x => new { tagName = x.Name.LocalName, value = (string)x }).ToList();

            //use left outer join to combine
            var joins =
                (from r1 in result1
                     join r2 in result2 on r1.tagName equals r2.tagName into r
                     from r2 in r.DefaultIfEmpty()
                     select new { tagName = r1.tagName, v1 = (r1 == null) ? null : r1.value, v2 = (r2 == null) ? null : r2.value }

            foreach(var join in joins)
                if (join.v1 == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name : '{0}', Was deleted in File 1, File 2 value '{1}'", join.tagName, join.v2); 
                if (join.v2 == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name : '{0}', Was deleted in File 2, File 1 value '{1}'", join.tagName, join.v1);
                if (join.v1 == join.v2)
                    Console.WriteLine("Name : '{0}', is equal in File 1 and File 2, value '{1}'", join.tagName, join.v1);
                Console.WriteLine("Name : '{0}', was changed, File 1 value '{1}', File 2 value '{2}'", join.tagName, join.v1, join.v2);


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