
时间:2018-06-21 05:34:10

标签: javascript node.js express promise knex.js


  1. 我该如何编写更好的代码或至少从中简化一点?
  2. 注释代码行是我不明白的一件事。
  3. 谢谢。

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const logger = require('morgan');
const knex = require('./db/index.js');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const { check, validationResult, body } = require('express-validator/check')
app.use(logger(':method :url :status :date[clf]'));

app.post('/engines/:id', (req, res) => {
        rocket_id: req.params.id,
        user_id: 1,
        price: req.body.price,
        shining: req.body.shining,
        texture: req.body.texture,
        modern: req.body.modern,
        hardness: req.body.hardness,
        loud: req.body.loud,
        power: req.body.power,
        explosion_risk: req.body.explosion_risk
    }).then( () => {
        const rocket_temp = {};
        return rocket_temp;
    }).then( rocket_temp => {
        const knexWhere = knex('engines').where({rocket_id: req.params.id});

        knexWhere.first().count('explosion_risk').then( data => {
            rocket_temp.total_count_risk = data.count;
            return rocket_temp;
        }).then( rocket_temp => {
            knexWhere.where({explosion_risk: true}).first().count('explosion_risk').then( data => {
                rocket_temp.countTrue = data.count;
                return rocket_temp;
            }).then( rocket_temp => {
                const knexWhere = knex('engines').where({rocket_id: req.params.id}); // I don't get why knexWhere variable must be re-assigned at this point. Otherwise it won't know that it should load data from 'evaluations' table. Simply saying, the value assigned to knexWhere variable is suddenly changed from this point.(Somehow it loads data from rockets table).

                knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(price))')).then( data => {
                    rocket_temp.avg_price = data.round;
                    return rocket_temp;
                }).then( rocket_temp => {
                    knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(shining))')).then( data => {
                        rocket_temp.avg_shining = data.round;
                        return rocket_temp;
                    }).then( rocket_temp => {
                        knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(texture))')).then( data => {
                            rocket_temp.avg_texture = data.round;
                            return rocket_temp;
                        }).then( rocket_temp => {
                            knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(modern))')).then( data => {
                                rocket_temp.avg_modern = data.round;
                                return rocket_temp;
                            }).then( rocket_temp => {
                                knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(hardness))')).then( data => {
                                    rocket_temp.avg_hardness = data.round;
                                    return rocket_temp;    
                                }).then( rocket_temp => {
                                    knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(loud))')).then( data => {
                                        rocket_temp.avg_loud = data.round;
                                        return rocket_temp;    
                                    }).then( rocket_temp => {
                                        knexWhere.first(knex.raw('ROUND(AVG(power))')).then( data => {
                                            rocket_temp.avg_power = data.round;
                                            return rocket_temp;
                                        }).then( rocket_temp => {
                                            knex('rockets').where({id: req.params.id}).first().update({
                                                price: rocket_temp.avg_price,
                                                shining: rocket_temp.avg_shining,
                                                texture: rocket_temp.avg_texture,
                                                modern: rocket_temp.avg_modern,
                                                hardness: rocket_temp.avg_hardness,
                                                loud: rocket_temp.avg_loud,
                                                power: rocket_temp.avg_power,
                                                explosion_risk: Math.round(parseInt(rocket_temp.countTrue)/parseInt(rocket_temp.total_count_risk) * 100)
                                            }).then( res => {
                                                knex('rockets').select().then( res => console.log(res) )
    }).then( result => res.sendStatus(201) );


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