我的Mule 3.9应用程序公开了一个休息终点。 通过运行时管理器对应用程序进行集群和本地管理
在此用例中,我使用了具有以下配置的Mule Caching-Clustered-In Memory版本
import pyodbc
import os.path
import string
import re
import sys
import time
from datetime import datetime
# Function for Do you want to continue
def fun_continue():
# If you want to continue
yesno = raw_input('\nDo you want to continue(Y/N)?')
if yesno == 'Y':
def fun_comparison():
# Getting Input Value's
file1 = raw_input('Enter the file1 name with path:')
file_extension_old = os.path.splitext(file1)[1]
#Condition check for the File extension, if it's ACCESS DB then ask for the table name
if (file_extension_old == ".accdb") or (file_extension_old == ".mdb"):
table_name_old = raw_input('Enter table name:')
file2 = raw_input('Enter the latest file name:')
file_extension_latest = os.path.splitext(file2)[1]
#Condition check for the File extension, if it's ACCESS DB then ask for the table name
if (file_extension_latest == ".accdb") or (file_extension_latest == ".mdb"):
table_name_latest = raw_input('Enter table name:')
file3 = raw_input('Give the file name to store the comparison result:')
print('Files comparison is running! Please wait...')
# Duration Calculation START TIME
start_time = datetime.now()
# Code for file Comparison
#Condition check for the ACCESS FILE -- FILE 1
if (file_extension_old == ".accdb") or (file_extension_old == ".mdb"):
conn_string_old = r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ='+file1+';'
con_old = pyodbc.connect(conn_string_old)
cur_old = con_old.cursor()
#Getting Column List
res_old = cur_old.execute('SELECT * FROM '+table_name_old+' WHERE 1=0')
column_list = [tuple(map(str, record_new))[0] for record_new in res_old.description]
column_list = ';'.join(column_list)
#For Getting Data
SQLQuery_old = 'SELECT * FROM '+table_name_old+';'
rows_old = cur_old.execute(SQLQuery_old).fetchall()
records_old = [tuple(map(str,record_old)) for record_old in rows_old]
records_old = [";".join(t) + "\n" for t in records_old]
records_old = set(records_old)
records_old = map(str.strip, records_old)
#print records_old
with open(file1) as a:
column_list = a.readline()
column_list = re.sub(r"[;,|^~]", ";", column_list)
a = set(a)
sete = map(str.strip, a)
setf = [re.sub(r"[;,|^~]", ";", s) for s in sete]
records_old = [";".join(map(str.strip, i.split(";"))) for i in setf]
#Condition check for the ACCESS FILE -- FILE 2
if (file_extension_latest == ".accdb") or (file_extension_latest == ".mdb"):
conn_string_new = r'DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ='+file2+';'
con_new = pyodbc.connect(conn_string_new)
cur_new = con_new.cursor()
#Getting Column List
res_new = cur_new.execute('SELECT * FROM '+table_name_latest+' WHERE 1=0')
column_list = [tuple(map(str, record_new))[0] for record_new in res_new.description]
column_list = ';'.join(column_list)
SQLQuery_new = 'SELECT * FROM '+table_name_latest+';'
rows_new = cur_new.execute(SQLQuery_new).fetchall()
records_new = [tuple(map(str,record_new)) for record_new in rows_new]
records_new = [";".join(t) + "\n" for t in records_new]
records_new = set(records_new)
records_new = map(str.strip, records_new)
#print records_new
with open(file2) as b:
column_list = b.readline()
column_list = re.sub(r"[;,|^~]", ";", column_list)
b = set(b)
sete = map(str.strip, b)
setf = [re.sub(r"[;,|^~]", ";", s) for s in sete]
records_new = [";".join(map(str.strip, i.split(";"))) for i in setf]
column_list = column_list.strip()
column_list = column_list.replace('; ', ';').strip(' ')
with open(file3, 'w') as result:
result.write(column_list + '\n')
for line in records_new:
if line not in records_old:
result.write(line + '\n')
except Exception as e:
print('\n\nError! Files Comparison completed unsuccessfully.')
print('\nError Details:')
# Duration calculation END TIME
end_time = datetime.now()
print('Duration: {}'.format(end_time - start_time))
# Calling Continue function
# Calling Comparison function
<ee:object-store-caching-strategy name="caching_strategy" doc:name="caching_strategy" keyGenerationExpression="some_key" synchronized="false" entryTTL="14400000" persistent="false" />
<flow name="some-flow" doc:description="some-flow">
<message-properties-transformer scope="invocation" doc:name="Intialize Message Properties" mimeType="application/java">
<add-message-property key="messageId" value="#[message.rootId]"/>
<ee:cache doc:name="inititiation" cachingStrategy-ref="caching_strategy" >
<logger message="process cache miss" level="INFO" doc:name="process cache miss"/>
<set-payload doc:name="initialize cache map" value="#[{'id' : flowVars.messageId}]" />
<choice doc:name="Is process already running ?" >
<when expression="#[payload.id == flowVars.messageId]">
<logger message="New process started" level="INFO" />
<logger message="Process is already running" level="WARN" />
如何应用程序日志中充满了以下 <set-payload doc:name="initialize cache map" value="#[{'id' : flowVars.messageId}]" />
谢谢 维卡斯
答案 0 :(得分:0)
<ee:object-store-caching-strategy name="caching_strategy" doc:name="caching_strategy" keyGenerationExpression="some_key" synchronized="false" >
<!-- this is because my flow eturns different message than cache"
<!-- manged store without persistance -->
<managed-store storeName="MyTaskInMemoryStoreForClusteredCaching"
maxEntries="1" entryTTL="14400000"
expirationInterval="3660000" persistent="false"/>