所以我目前正在学习A Level计算机科学,并且即将进入大学一年级。由于我们只有1年的时间,所以我们开始了我们的NEA项目,为了尽早开始,我现在而不是几个月后就开始了它,因为我的目标是进行A / A *。为了给您一些我正在做的项目的背景信息,这将是一个用程序VB.Net编码的气球塔防风格的游戏,并对我正在使用递归编码的合并排序的记分板进行排序(任何递归都会产生额外的分数) 。现在就给大家个提示,我对编码还很陌生,说实话,它可能已经变得可怕了,老实说,我并不真正知道,但是只是预警
Sub AddNewScore(ByRef HighScore() As Score)
'ByVal NewScore As Score
'Test Purposes only Remove for fullbuild
Dim TempName As String
Dim TempScore As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter the Name:")
TempName = Console.ReadLine
Console.WriteLine("Enter the Score")
TempScore = Console.ReadLine
If HighScore(9).Score < TempScore Then
HighScore(9).Score = TempScore
HighScore(9).Name = TempName
End If
'Test Purposes only Remove for fullbuild
'If HighScore(9).Score < NewScore.Score Then
'HighScore(9) = NewScore
'End If
End Sub
'Sorting Algorithm
Sub MergeCore(ByVal HighScore() As Score)
Dim Left As Integer = 0
Dim Right As Integer = 9
Split(HighScore, 0, 9)
End Sub
Sub Split(ByRef HighScore() As Score, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Right As Integer)
If Left < Right Then
Dim Mid As Integer = (Left + Right) / 2
Split(HighScore, Left, Mid)
Split(HighScore, Mid + 1, Right)
Merge(HighScore, Left, Mid, Right)
End If
End Sub
Sub Merge(ByRef HighScore() As Score, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Mid As Integer, ByVal Right As Integer)
Dim LSize As Integer = Mid - Left + 1
Dim RSize As Integer = Right - Mid
Dim LeftA(LSize) As Integer
Dim RightA(RSize) As Integer
Dim LPointer As Integer
Dim RPointer As Integer
For LP = 0 To LSize - 1
LeftA(LP) = HighScore(Left + LP).Score
For RP = 0 To RSize - 1
RightA(RP) = HighScore(Mid + 1 + RP).Score
LPointer = 0
RPointer = 0
Dim OriginalPointer As Integer = Left
While LPointer < LSize And RPointer < RSize
If LeftA(LPointer) <= RightA(RPointer) Then
HighScore(OriginalPointer).Score = LeftA(LPointer)
LPointer += 1
HighScore(OriginalPointer).Score = RightA(RPointer)
RPointer += 1
End If
OriginalPointer += 1
End While
While LPointer < LSize
HighScore(OriginalPointer).Score = LeftA(LPointer)
LPointer += 1
OriginalPointer += 1
End While
While RPointer < RSize
HighScore(OriginalPointer).Score = RightA(RPointer)
RPointer += 1
OriginalPointer += 1
End While
For I = 0 To 9
Console.WriteLine(HighScore(I).Name & " " & HighScore(I).Score)
End Sub
End Module
错误("Exception of type System.StackOverFlowException has been thrown"
)在此代码的Sub Split行中:
Sub Split(ByRef HighScore() As Score, ByVal Left As Integer, ByVal Right As
If Left < Right Then
Dim Mid As Integer = (Left + Right) / 2
Split(HighScore, Left, Mid)
Split(HighScore, Mid + 1, Right)
Merge(HighScore, Left, Mid, Right)
End If
End Sub