我想知道是否可以在VBA的限制内应用于Factory Method项目模式。如果可能的话,您能举个例子吗?
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Public Enum enumTypePizza
End Enum
Sub Main()
Dim objPizza As IPizza
Dim objFactory As Factory
Set objFactory = New Factory
Set objPizza = objFactory.CreatingPizza(Cheese, "Cheese Pizza", "mozzarella, oregano, olive, simple sauce", 25.99)
Debug.Print "Name: " & objPizza.getName
Debug.Print "Ingredients: " & objPizza.getIngredients
Debug.Print "Price: " & objPizza.getPrice
Set objPizza = objFactory.CreatingPizza(Pepperoni, "Pepperoni Pizza", "Calabresa, onion, olive, oregano", 30.99)
Debug.Print "Name: " & objPizza.getName
Debug.Print "Ingredients: " & objPizza.getIngredients
Debug.Print "Price: " & objPizza.getPrice
End Sub
Sub create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double): End Sub
Property Get getName() As String: End Property
Property Get getIngredients() As String: End Property
Property Get getPrice() As Long: End Property
Implements IPizza
Implements ICreate
Private Type TType
name As String
ingredients As String
price As Double
End Type
Private this As TType
Private Sub IPizza_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double)
With this
.name = name
.ingredients = ingredients
.price = price
End With
End Sub
Private Property Get IPizza_getIngredients() As String
IPizza_getIngredients = this.ingredients
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getName() As String
IPizza_getName = this.name
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getPrice() As Long
IPizza_getPrice = this.price
End Property
Implements IPizza
Private Type TType
name As String
ingredients As String
price As Double
End Type
Private this As TType
Private Sub IPizza_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double)
With this
.name = name
.ingredients = ingredients
.price = price
End With
End Sub
Private Property Get IPizza_getIngredients() As String
IPizza_getIngredients = this.ingredients
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getName() As String
IPizza_getName = this.name
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getPrice() As Long
IPizza_getPrice = this.price
End Property
Function CreatingPizza(ByVal enumPizza As enumTypePizza, ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
Dim objPizza As IPizza
If enumPizza = Cheese Then
Set objPizza = New clsCheese
ElseIf enumPizza = Pepperoni Then
Set objPizza = New clsPepperoni
End If
objPizza.create name, ingredients, price
Set CreatingPizza = objPizza
End Function
从modMain模块运行Main,然后查看“验证”窗口(CTRL + G)。
请注意,在“工厂”类中,我们具有“ CreatingPizza”功能,该功能通过Enum类型(enumPizza)选择要创建的比萨的类型。如果我们要创建数十种不同的披萨,那么我们将有数十种IF。如果必须从模块modEnumPizza中获取风味,则必须更改“ CreatingPizza”。
Function create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza: End Function
Function create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza: End Function
现在从IPizza中删除“ crete”方法:
Property Get getName() As String: End Property
Property Get getIngredients() As String: End Property
Property Get getPrice() As Long: End Property
Implements IPizza
Implements ICreateChesse
Private Type TType
name As String
ingredients As String
price As Double
End Type
Private this As TType
Private Function ICreateChesse_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
With this
.name = name
.ingredients = ingredients
.price = price
End With
Set ICreateChesse_create = Me
End Function
Private Property Get IPizza_getIngredients() As String
IPizza_getIngredients = this.ingredients
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getName() As String
IPizza_getName = this.name
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getPrice() As Long
IPizza_getPrice = this.price
End Property
Implements IPizza
Implements ICreatePepperoni
Private Type TType
name As String
ingredients As String
price As Double
End Type
Private this As TType
Private Function ICreatePepperoni_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
With this
.name = name
.ingredients = ingredients
.price = price
End With
Set ICreatePepperoni_create = Me
End Function
Private Property Get IPizza_getIngredients() As String
IPizza_getIngredients = this.ingredients
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getName() As String
IPizza_getName = this.name
End Property
Private Property Get IPizza_getPrice() As Long
IPizza_getPrice = this.price
End Property
Implements ICreateChesse
Implements ICreatePepperoni
Private Type TType
'Could be a Dictionary References => Microsoft Scripting Runtime
objCollection As Collection
objPizza As IPizza
End Type
Private this As TType
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim objInterfaceChesse As ICreateChesse
Dim objInterfacePepperoni As ICreatePepperoni
Set objInterfaceChesse = Me
Set objInterfacePepperoni = Me
Set this.objCollection = New Collection
'We now have a collection of instance variables pointing to ICreateChesse_create and
With this.objCollection
.Add objInterfaceChesse, CStr(enumTypePizza.Cheese)
.Add objInterfacePepperoni, CStr(enumTypePizza.Pepperoni)
End With
End Sub
Function CreatingPizza(ByVal enumPizza As enumTypePizza, ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
Dim objInterface As Object
'we return the corresponding instance variable
Set objInterface = this.objCollection(CStr(enumPizza))
'method call by late binding
Set CreatingPizza = objInterface.create(name, ingredients, price)
End Function
Private Function ICreateChesse_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
Dim objPizza As clsCheese
Dim objInterfaceChesse As ICreateChesse
'We create an instance of clsPizza
Set objPizza = New clsCheese
'We point to the interface address in clsChesse
Set objInterfaceChesse = objPizza
'I call the 'create' method of the instance of clsPizza, which returns the interface I`Pizza
Set ICreateChesse_create = objInterfaceChesse.create(name, ingredients, price)
Set objPizza = Nothing
Set objInterfaceChesse = Nothing
End Function
Private Function ICreatePepperoni_create(ByVal name As String, ByVal ingredients As String, ByVal price As Double) As IPizza
Dim objPizza As clsPepperoni
Dim objInterfacePepperoni As ICreatePepperoni
Set objPizza = New clsPepperoni
Set objInterfacePepperoni = objPizza
Set ICreatePepperoni_create = objInterfacePepperoni.create(name, ingredients, price)
Set objPizza = Nothing
Set objInterfacePepperoni = Nothing
End Function
另一个避免使用Factory类数据结构的替代方法是: 创建一个名为ISelectCreator的接口,我们可以通过intelliSense返回使用的接口:ICreateChesse或ICreatePepperoni。
Property Get getCreateChesse() As ICreateChesse: End Property
Property Get getCreatePepperoni() As ICreatePepperoni: End Property
Implements ISelectCreator
Function CreatingPizza() As ISelectCreator
'with this intelliSense will show: getCreateChesse and getCreatePepperoni
Set CreatingPizza = Me
End Function
Private Property Get ISelectCreator_getCreateChesse() As ICreateChesse
Dim objPizza As clsCheese
Set objPizza = New clsCheese
Set ISelectCreator_getCreateChesse = objPizza
End Property
Private Property Get ISelectCreator_getCreatePepperoni() As ICreatePepperoni
Dim objPizza As clsPepperoni
Set objPizza = New clsPepperoni
Set ISelectCreator_getCreatePepperoni = objPizza
End Property
Sub Main()
Dim objPizza As IPizza
Dim objFactory As Factory
Set objFactory = New Factory
Set objPizza = objFactory.CreatingPizza.getCreateChesse.create("Cheese Pizza", "mozzarella, oregano, olive, simple sauce", 25.99)
Debug.Print "Name: " & objPizza.getName
Debug.Print "Ingredients: " & objPizza.getIngredients
Debug.Print "Price: " & objPizza.getPrice
Set objPizza = objFactory.CreatingPizza.getCreatePepperoni.create("Pepperoni Pizza", "Calabresa, onion, olive, oregano", 30.99)
Debug.Print "Name: " & objPizza.getName
Debug.Print "Ingredients: " & objPizza.getIngredients
Debug.Print "Price: " & objPizza.getPrice
End Sub