Xamarin Forms Custom Renderer iOS UICollectionView双向滚动/水平滚动–垂直滚动

时间:2018-06-19 12:17:39

标签: xamarin xamarin.ios uicollectionview horizontal-scrolling custom-renderer

Xamarin Forms Custom Renderer iOS UICollectionView双向滚动/水平滚动–垂直滚动


问题: 网格在两个方向上都滚动很大。用手指滚动后,您必须等待几秒钟才能看到应用程序的反应。 我们在本机swift项目中以相同的方式实现了UICollectionView,并且滚动流畅。所以我认为问题在于实现方式而不是渲染过程。


为什么我需要自定义UICollectionViewLayout以实现水平滚动?因为我还需要修改单个单元格的宽度和其他自定义的功能。 因此,我看到的双向滚动的唯一方法是自定义UICollectionViewLayout。



  1. 在Xamarin表单中创建自定义控件(MyGrid),该控件从View类扩展到

     public class MyGrid : View
        public MyGrid() : base()
  2. 在Xamarin Forms ContentPage中使用自定义控件(MyGrid):



  1. 在iOS项目中为MyGrid类实现自定义渲染器:

    [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyGrid), typeof(MyGridRenderer))]
    namespace GridDemo.iOS
    public class MyGridRenderer : ViewRenderer<MyGrid, IOSGrid>
        public MyGridRenderer()
        protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<MyGrid> e)
            if (Control == null)
                MyGrid myGrid = (MyGrid)e.NewElement;
                List<List<string>> values = myGrid.Source;
                var list = new List<CustomIOSGridCell>();
                var column = 0;
                var row = 0;
                var maxColumnLength = new int[myGrid.ColumnCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < myGrid.RowCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < myGrid.ColumnCount; j++)
                        var array = values[i];
                        var stringLength = array.Aggregate("", (max, cur) => max.Length > cur.Length ? max : cur);
                        if (stringLength.Length > maxColumnLength[j])
                            maxColumnLength[j] = stringLength.Length;
                         list.Add(new CustomIOSGridCell(values[i][j));
                var grid = new IOSGrid(this.Bounds, new IOSGridLayout(myGrid.ColumnCount, myGrid.RowCount, maxColumnLength));
                grid.AddValues(list, myGrid.ColumnCount, myGrid.RowCount);
            if (e.OldElement != null)
                // Unsubscribe from event handlers and cleanup any resources
            if (e.NewElement != null)
                // Configure the control and subscribe to event handlers
  2. 实施本机控件(iOSGrid),将其与自定义Xamarin表单控件(MyGrid)对应的控件:

        public class IOSGrid : UICollectionView
          List<CustomIOSGridCell> values = new List<CustomIOSGridCell>();
          public IOSGrid(CGRect frame, IOSGridLayout collectionViewLayout) : base(frame, collectionViewLayout)
          this.RegisterClassForCell(typeof(CustomCollectionViewCell), CustomCollectionViewCell.CellID);
          BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
            public void AddValues(List<CustomIOSGridCell> values, int columncount, int rowCount)
                this.Source = new CustomCollectionSource(this.values, rowCount, columncount);
  3. 为IOSGrid(UICollectionView)实现自定义UICollectionViewLayout以提供水平和垂直滚动

     public class IOSGridLayout : UICollectionViewLayout
       private Timer timer;
       enum Direction { up, down ,leftRight, none }
       int columnsCount = 0;
       int rowCount = 0;
    CoreGraphics.CGSize[] itemsSize = null;
    CoreGraphics.CGSize contentSize = CoreGraphics.CGSize.Empty;
    int[] maxLength;
    public CGRect currentRect = CGRect.Empty;
    CGPoint currentCorner = new CGPoint(-1, -1);
    UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[,] itemAttributes;
    public IOSGridLayout(int columnsCount, int rowCount, int[] maxLength)
        this.columnsCount = columnsCount;
        this.rowCount = rowCount;
        this.maxLength = maxLength;
        itemAttributes = new UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[rowCount, columnsCount];
    public override void PrepareLayout()
        if (CollectionView == null) return;
        var collectionView = CollectionView;
        if (collectionView.NumberOfSections() == 0) return;
        if (itemAttributes.Length != collectionView.NumberOfSections())
        for (int section = 0; section < collectionView.NumberOfSections(); section++)
            for (int item = 0; item < collectionView.NumberOfItemsInSection(section); item++)
                if (section != 0 && item != 0)
                var attributes = LayoutAttributesForItem(NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(item, section));                }
    public override CGSize CollectionViewContentSize
        get { return contentSize; }
    public override UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes LayoutAttributesForItem(NSIndexPath indexPath)
        return itemAttributes[indexPath.Section, indexPath.Row];
    public override UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[] LayoutAttributesForElementsInRect(CGRect rect)
        var attributes = new List<UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes>();
        // calculate actual shown attributes
        return attributes.ToArray();
    public override bool ShouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange(CGRect newBounds)
        return true;
    private void generateItemAttributes(UICollectionView collectionView)
        if (itemsSize?.Length != columnsCount)
        var column = 0;
        nfloat xOffset = 0;
        nfloat yOffset = 0;
        nfloat contentWidth = 0;
        itemAttributes = new UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[rowCount, columnsCount];
        var se = collectionView.NumberOfSections();
        for (int section = 0; section < rowCount; section++)
            var sectionAttributes = new UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes[columnsCount];
            for (int index = 0; index < columnsCount; index++)
                var itemSize = itemsSize[index];
                var indexPath = NSIndexPath.FromItemSection(index, section);
                var attributes = UIKit.UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes.CreateForCell(indexPath);
                attributes.Frame = new CGRect(xOffset, yOffset, itemSize.Width, itemSize.Height).Integral();
                if (section == 0)
                    var frame = attributes.Frame;
                    frame.Y = collectionView.ContentOffset.Y;
                    attributes.Frame = frame;
                if (index == 0)
                    var frame = attributes.Frame;
                    frame.X = collectionView.ContentOffset.X;
                    attributes.Frame = frame;
                xOffset += itemSize.Width;
                column += 1;
                if (column == columnsCount)
                    if (xOffset > contentWidth)
                        contentWidth = xOffset;
                    column = 0;
                    xOffset = 0;
                    yOffset += itemSize.Height;
            for (int i = 0; i < sectionAttributes.Length; i++)
                itemAttributes[section, i] = sectionAttributes[i];
        var attr = itemAttributes[rowCount-1,columnsCount-1];
        if (attr != null)
            contentSize = new CGSize(contentWidth, attr.Frame.GetMaxY());
    private void CalculateItemSizes()
        itemsSize = new CGSize[columnsCount];
        for (int index = 0; index < columnsCount; index++)
            itemsSize[index] = SizeForItemWithColumnIndex(index);
    private CGSize SizeForItemWithColumnIndex(int index)
        //  CollectionView.CellForItem()
        string text = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < maxLength[index]; i++)
            text += "M";
        NSString ma = new NSString(text);
        var size = ma.StringSize(UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(14));
        size.Height = 35;
        return size;
  4. 为IOSGrid(UICollectionView)实现自定义UICollectionViewSource:

    public class CustomCollectionSource : UICollectionViewSource
          private readonly List<CustomIOSGridCell> values = new  List<CustomIOSGridCell>();
    private readonly int rowCount = 0;
    private readonly int columnCount = 0;
    public CustomCollectionSource(List<CustomIOSGridCell> values, int rowCount, int columnCount)
        this.values = values;
        this.rowCount = rowCount;
        this.columnCount = columnCount;
    public override nint GetItemsCount(UICollectionView collectionView, nint section)
        return rowCount;
    public override nint NumberOfSections(UICollectionView collectionView)
        return columnCount;
    public override UICollectionViewCell GetCell(UICollectionView collectionView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
        var cell = (CustomCollectionViewCell)collectionView.DequeueReusableCell(CustomCollectionViewCell.CellID, indexPath);
        return cell;
  5. 为IOSGrid(UICollectionView)实现自定义UICollectionViewCell:

    public class CustomCollectionViewCell : UICollectionViewCell
           public UILabel mainLabel;
           public static NSString CellID = new  NSString("customCollectionCell");
    public CustomCollectionViewCell(CGRect frame) : base(frame)
        // Default
        ContentView.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
        ContentView.Layer.BorderWidth = 1.0f;
        ContentView.Layer.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
        mainLabel = new UILabel();
        ContentView.AddSubview( mainLabel );
    public void UpdateCell(string text)
        mainLabel.Text = text;
        mainLabel.Frame = new CGRect(5, 5, ContentView.Bounds.Width, 26);

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如果这是线程问题,那么您会发现以下内容很有教育意义:Fixing a jerky ListView