第一数据表否(DS否) 第二个标签号
然后我想回答2个问题:1)哪个运行号码在同一组DS中有标签号? 2)DS No没有关联多少个标签?
Sub IDScase()
Dim i as Integer
Dim counter as Interger
Dim tagno as string
Dim DSno as string
Dim Dim DSlib() As String
i = 0 ' running counter for the library
Do While ThisWorkbook.Sheets("query").Cells(counter, 2).Value <> 0 ' as long as there are values in table
tagno= ThisWorkbook.Sheets("query").Cells(counter, 6).Value ' reading the tag no
DSno = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("query").Cells(counter, 95).Value ' reading the DS no
DSlib(i, 1) = DSno 'DS no in column 1
DSlib(i, 2) = wsname 'tag no in colum 2
NoTag = UBound(DSlib, 2) ' number of read in tag no
counter = counter + 1
i = i + 1
End sub()