我的代码在php 5之上工作
"require": {
"theiconic/php-ga-measurement-protocol": "^2.0"
//grab the data that Calendly sent in the webhook and store it in a variable called $objCalendlySubmission...
$objCalendlySubmission = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
//We've passed the Google client_id in Calendly's placeholder for utm_term. Feel free to pass it differently, this is just an example
if(property_exists($objCalendlySubmission->payload->tracking, 'utm_term') && !empty($objCalendlySubmission->payload->tracking->utm_term)) {
$strPageViewed = 'calendly_conversion.html'; // We use different page names depending on what type of event was scheduled via Calendly
sendGoogleAnalyticsPageView($objCalendlySubmission->payload->tracking->utm_term, $strPageViewed);
function sendGoogleAnalyticsPageView($strGAClientId, $strURL) {
require_once '/path_to_composer/composer/vendor/autoload.php'; //loads the PHP library for the "Google Analytics Measurement Protocol” **I dont know where is it located exactly on my xampp server, Please guide me here**
$analytics = new TheIconic\Tracking\GoogleAnalytics\Analytics(true); //you may have to adjust this path based on your setup **please help me here**
require_once '/path_to_composer/composer/vendor/autoload.php'; //loads the PHP library for the "Google Analytics Measurement Protocol”
$analytics = new TheIconic\Tracking\GoogleAnalytics\Analytics(true); //you may have to adjust this path based on your setup