我是VBA编码的新手。这是我未完成的代码,用于在包含3个不同标题的文档的文件夹中打印文档," DN" " INV"和" PO"。我一直在寻找打印PDF文档的代码/方法。我尝试使用invokeverb"& print"功能,但它似乎不起作用。有人可以教我如何打印出来吗?非常感谢你:))
P.S。 " DN"需要打印一次," INV"需要打印6次," PO"需要打印2次。
'' To set the path to the current folder
set shApp = CreateObject("shell.application")
currentPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
set shFolder = shApp.NameSpace( currentPath )
'' To set the items in the current folder as "files"
set files = shFolder.Items()
''Start of code''
'msgbox("Starting Script")
for each files in files
' If name contains "DN" '
if inStr(files, "DN") then
'print out 1 time'
end if
' if name contains "INV" '
if inStr(files, "INV") then
'print out 6 times'
end if
' if name contains "PO" '
if inStr(files, "PO") then
'print out 2 times'
end if
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Kajkrow的VBA代码效果很好。我需要打印到特定的打印机,因此,如果有人在看,我找到了一个对我有用的解决方案,只需将“ printto”而不是“ print”用作SheelExecute的动词,并提供特定打印机的名称在文件名后的第四个参数中输入名称。
Call apiShellExecute(Application.hwnd, "printto", strPathAndFilename, "my printer name", vbNullString, 0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
声明函数apiShellExecute Lib" shell32.dll" Alias" ShellExecuteA" (_ ByVal hwnd As Long,_ ByVal lpOperation As String,_ ByVal lpFile As String,_ ByVal lpParameters As String,_ ByVal lpDirectory As String,_ ByVal nShowCmd As Long)_ 长期
Public Sub PrintFile(ByVal strPathAndFilename As String)
调用apiShellExecute(Application.hwnd," print",strPathAndFilename,vbNullString,> vbNullString,0)
End Sub
PrintFile(" C:\ Test.pdf")
End Sub
Declare Function apiShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _
ByVal hwnd As Long, _
ByVal lpOperation As String, _
ByVal lpFile As String, _
ByVal lpParameters As String, _
ByVal lpDirectory As String, _
ByVal nShowCmd As Long) _
As Long
Public Sub PrintFile(ByVal strPathAndFilename As String)
Call apiShellExecute(Application.hwnd, "print", strPathAndFilename, vbNullString, vbNullString, 0)
End Sub
Sub PrintPDF()
'' To set the path to the current folder
Set shApp = CreateObject("shell.application")
'currentPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
currentPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
Set shFolder = shApp.Namespace(currentPath)
'' To set the items in the current folder as "files"
Set Files = shFolder.Items()
''Start of code''
'msgbox("Starting Script")
For Each file In Files
If InStr(file, ".pdf") Then
' If name contains "DN" '
If InStr(file, "DN") Then
PrintFile (currentPath + "\" + file)
End If
' if name contains "INV" '
If InStr(file, "INV") Then
For i = 1 To 6
PrintFile (currentPath + "\" + file)
Next i
End If
' if name contains "PO" '
If InStr(file, "PO") Then
PrintFile (currentPath + "\" + file)
PrintFile (currentPath + "\" + file)
End If
End If
MsgBox ("completed")
End Sub
Set shApp = CreateObject("shell.application")
Set shFolder = shApp.Namespace(currentPath)
'' To set the items in the current folder as "files"
Set Files = shFolder.Items()
''Start of code''
For Each file In Files
If InStr(file, ".pdf") Then
' If name contains "DN" '
If InStr(file, "DN") Then
WScript.Sleep 1000 'wait 1 sec
End If
' if name contains "INV" '
If InStr(file, "INV") Then
Filename = currentPath + "\" + file
i = i+1
WScript.Sleep 1000 'wait 1 sec
Loop until i >=6
i = 0
End If
' if name contains "PO" '
If InStr(file, "PO") Then
Filename = currentPath + "\" + file
WScript.Sleep 1000 'wait 1 sec
WScript.Sleep 1000 'wait 1 sec
End If
End If
MsgBox ("completed")