
时间:2018-06-18 09:12:52

标签: vba outlook outlook-vba outlook-2016



Sub Code()

    Selection.Font.Name = "Consolas"

End Sub

运行时错误' 429':



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

看起来您正在尝试将Word对象模型与Outlook混合使用。 Outlook中的Selection类与Word对象模型中的Selection类不同。此外,Outlook中没有这样的捷径。您必须在每次需要时检索它。


  1. Body属性。原文。
  2. HTMLBody属性。正文由html标记表示。
  3. Word对象模型。 WordEditor类的Inspector属性返回表示正文的Word Document类的实例。
  4. 您可以在MSDN的Chapter 17: Working with Item Bodies文章中详细了解相关内容。它深入地描述了所有这些属性。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Private Sub Code()

    ' Mail must be in edit mode - compose, reply, forward
    ' If reading mail then under Actions | Edit Message

    ' Select some text

    Dim objDoc As Object
    Dim objSel As Object

    Set objDoc = ActiveInspector.WordEditor
    Set objSel = objDoc.Windows(1).Selection

    objSel.Font.name = "Consolas"

End Sub


Sub FormatSelection()

    ' With extra validation for troubleshooting

    ' Code in Outlook

    ' Mail must be in edit mode - compose, reply, forward
    ' If reading mail then under Actions | Edit Message

    ' Select some text

    Dim myInspector As Inspector
    Dim myObject As Object
    Dim myItem As mailItem

    Dim myDoc As Word.Document
    Dim mySelection As Word.Selection

    Set myInspector = ActiveInspector

    If myInspector Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "No inspector. Open a mailitem and select some text."
        GoTo ExitRoutine
    End If

    If myInspector.EditorType <> olEditorWord Then
        '  olEditorWord / 4 / Microsoft Office Word editor
        Debug.Print "EditorType: " & myInspector.EditorType
        MsgBox "Editor is not Microsoft Office Word editor"
        GoTo ExitRoutine
    End If

    ' Probably not needed. EditorType should be enough
    'If myInspector.IsWordMail = False Then
    '    MsgBox "myInspector.IsWordMail = False"
    '    GoTo ExitRoutine
    'End If

    On Error Resume Next
    Set myObject = myInspector.currentItem
    On Error GoTo 0

    If myObject Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Open a mailitem and select some text."
        GoTo ExitRoutine
    End If

    If myObject.MessageClass = "IPM.Note" Then
        'Should be equivalent to If myObject.Class = olMail Then

        Set myItem = myObject

        Set myDoc = myInspector.WordEditor

        Set mySelection = myDoc.Application.Selection
        Debug.Print "Selected text is: " & mySelection
        MsgBox "Selected text is: " & vbCr & vbCr & mySelection

        mySelection.Font.name = "Consolas"


        MsgBox "Not a mailitem. Open a mailitem and select some text."
        GoTo ExitRoutine

    End If


    Set myInspector = Nothing
    Set myObject = Nothing
    Set myItem = Nothing

    Set myDoc = Nothing
    Set mySelection = Nothing

End Sub