我尝试使用属性departDate创建一个对象飞行,该对象在每次创建对象时都会增加。 为此,我有一个全局变量initialDate,每次调用时增加20分钟,函数incrementDate()
var arrayOfFlight = []; //The array of objects
var initialDate = new Date(); //the global date to increment
function insertFlights()
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
var flight = {
departDate: "", //this is prop i want to increment at every object creation
destination: "",
status: "",
airplane: "",
gate: "" };
flight.departDate = incrementDate(); //try to generate the date incremented at every flow
arrayOfFlight.push(flight); //pushing the new object inside the array
function incrementDate()
initialDate.setMilliseconds(initialDate.getMilliseconds() + 1200000);
var departDate = initialDate;
return departDate;