Spring数据JPA + MySQL错误无法从类型[java.lang.Object []]转换为类型

时间:2018-06-17 06:09:39

标签: mysql spring-boot spring-data-jpa spring-data


问题: - 无法从类型[java.lang.Object []]转换为类型


例如: - 实际结果:

[{ ipaddress = 1, ipaddressvalue = 256,ipnetmask = 24,ipaddresspoolid = 1, unallocatedcount = 0,ipaddresspoolrangeid = 10.101。 10.0,版本 = 174393856}]


[{ ipaddress =, ipaddressvalue = 174393856,ipnetmask = 24,ipaddresspoolid = 1, unallocatedcount = 256,ipaddresspoolrangeid = 1,版本 = 0}]

我的实体类: -

public class IPAddressAllocation {
private int addressAllocationId;

private int ipAddressPoolrangeId;

@Column(name = "IPADDRESS")
private String ipAddress;

@Column(name = "COUNT")
private int count;

private String serviceIdentifier;

@Column(name = "USERNAME")
private String userName;

@Column(name = "VERSION")
private int version;

@Column(name = "IPADDRESSVALUE")
private long ipAddressValue;


  } // end of Entity

我的存储库界面: -


 public interface PoolRepository extends JpaRepository<IPAddressAllocation, String> {

@Query(value = "SELECT r.ipaddresspoolrangeid , r.ipaddresspoolid,  r.ipaddress,"
        + "r.unallocatedcount, r.ipnetmask, r.version, r.ipaddressvalue from ippool_service_assignment s,"
        + "ipaddressPool p, ipaddress_pool_range r where p.customerid = :cidn and "
        + "p.customernetwork = :networkId and s.serviceidentifier =:serviceIdentifier and "
        + "s.ipaddresspoolid = p.ipaddresspoolid and p.ipaddresspoolid = r.ipaddresspoolid and "
        + "((r.ipaddressvalue  <=:firstIpAddress) and "
        + "((r.ipaddressvalue + power(2, 32-(r.ipnetmask))-1) >=:firstIpAddress)"
        + " or ( r.ipaddressvalue   <=:lastIpAddress ) and "
        + "((r.ipaddressvalue + power(2, 32-(r.ipnetmask))-1) >=:firstIpAddress ))"
        + " Order by p.poolname, r.ipaddressvalue", nativeQuery = true)
List<IPAddressPoolAllocations> fetchIpPoolDetails(@Param("cidn") final String cidn,
        @Param("networkId") final String networkId, @Param("serviceIdentifier") final String serviceIdentifier,
        @Param("firstIpAddress") final long firstIpAddress, @Param("lastIpAddress") final long lastIpAddress);

static interface IPAddressPoolAllocations {
    int getIpAddressPoolrangeId();
    int getIpaddresspoolid();
    String getIpAddress();
    String getUnallocatedcount();
    String getIpnetmask();
    int getVersion();
    long getIpAddressValue();
  } //end of interface repository

我的ServiceImpl图层: -

private PoolRepository repository;  

List<IPAddressPoolAllocations> ipAddressPoolAllocationList = repository.fetchIpPoolDetails(
                    String.valueOf(ipAllocation.getCidn()), ipAllocation.getCustomerNetworkId(), ipAllocation.getServiceIdentifier(), Long.parseLong(sfirstIpAddress),


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