
时间:2018-06-16 23:42:43

标签: php laravel laravel-3

我试图在使用Laravel 3的字典应用中修改查询。 这部分代码可以在模型文件夹中找到。

public static function getItems( $orderBy, $limit = null, $term_id = null ) 
    $query  = 'SELECT definitions.*, terms.term, COUNT(DISTINCT(likes.id)) AS likes, COUNT(DISTINCT(dislikes.id)) AS dislikes, 
               CASE WHEN COUNT(voted.id) > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS voted, 
               GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(tags.name) SEPARATOR ",") AS tags ';
    // Select all the definition information, and count the likes and dislike records
    // Get whether the user has voted also
    $query .= 'FROM definitions ';
    // From definitions

    $query .= 'INNER JOIN terms ON terms.id = definitions.term_id ';

    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN votes AS likes ON definitions.id = likes.definition_id AND likes.score = 1 ';
    // Join on the votes table by likes
    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN votes AS dislikes ON definitions.id = dislikes.definition_id AND dislikes.score = -1 ';
    // Join on the votes table again, but by dislikes
    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN votes AS voted ON definitions.id = voted.definition_id AND voted.ip = ? ';
    // Join on the votes table again, but for voting

    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN definition_tag ON definitions.id = definition_tag.definition_id ';
    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = definition_tag.tag_id ';
    // Join on the tags table

    $query .= 'WHERE approved = 1 ';
    // Only get approved definitions matching the term

    if ( ! is_null( $term_id ) ) 
        $query .= 'AND definitions.term_id = ? ';

    $query .= 'GROUP BY definitions.id ';
    // Group by the definition id
    $query .= 'ORDER BY '.$orderBy;
    // And order by highest likes

    if ( ! is_null( $limit ) ) $query .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
    // Add the limit


public static function getItems( $orderBy, $limit = null, $term_id = null ) 
    $query  = 'SELECT definitions.*, terms.term, 
               GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(tags.name) SEPARATOR ",") AS tags ';
    // Select all the definition information, and count the likes and dislike records
    // Get whether the user has voted also
    $query .= 'FROM definitions ';
    // From definitions

    $query .= 'INNER JOIN terms ON terms.id = definitions.term_id ';

    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN definition_tag ON definitions.id = definition_tag.definition_id ';
    $query .= 'LEFT JOIN tags ON tags.id = definition_tag.tag_id ';
    // Join on the tags table

    $query .= 'WHERE approved = 1 ';
    // Only get approved definitions matching the term

    if ( ! is_null( $term_id ) ) 
        $query .= 'AND definitions.term_id = ? ';

    $query .= 'GROUP BY definitions.id ';
    // Group by the definition id

    // And order by highest likes

    if ( ! is_null( $limit ) ) $query .= ' LIMIT '.$limit;
    // Add the limit

但是修改后首页的内容为零。所以我在SQL中查询了它是否返回结果,并且确实如此。视图文件夹中没有对投票系统的引用。 我从未使用过Laravel,所以我不知道从哪里开始寻找答案。

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