我正在尝试上传20mb的字节数组块,一切正常,直到我的程序到达块列表的近端,当我开始得到“底层连接已关闭:接收时发生意外错误。 “抛出为错误。该程序仅在尝试上载特定块时才会出现此错误;所有我知道这个块的不同或独特之处在于数组中第一个字节中的800个等于0,除了正确的标题是“008018012updates / Update.part176.zip ****** ******“作为字节数组。
public static string SendBytes(string address, byte[] bytes) {
for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) {
try { WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(address);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; ;
request.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
Stream reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
reqStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
StreamReader resStream = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
string response = resStream.ReadToEnd();
return response;
} catch (Exception e) { if (i == 2) { throw new Exception(e.Message); } }
} return "ERROR: Couldn't send data.";
$config = "w.c";
$request = file_get_contents('php://input');
$dLeng = intval(substr($request, 0, 3));
$fLeng = intval(substr($request, 3, 3));
$pLeng = intval(substr($request, 6, 3));
$dName = substr($request, 9, $dLeng);
$fName = substr($request, 9 + $dLeng, $fLeng);
$passW = substr($request, 9 + $dLeng + $fLeng, $pLeng);
if (!Get_API_PW("./security.LOCK", $passW)) { echo "ERROR: Couldn't secure the folder."; return; }
if (endsWith($fName, ".config") || $fName == $config) { echo "ERROR: Couldn't secure the folder."; return; }
while (endsWith($dName, "//")) { $dName = substr($dName, 0, strlen($dName)-1); }
if (!endsWith($dName, "/")) { $dName = $dName."/"; }
while (strContains($dName, "..")) { $dName = str_replace("..", ".", $dName); }
while (strContains($dName, " ")) { $dName = str_replace(" ", "", $dName); }
while (substr($dName, 0, 1) == "/") { $dName = substr($dName, 1); }
if (substr($dName, 0, 2) != "./") { $dName = "./".$dName; }
if ($dName == "./") { echo "ERROR: Cannot write to root folder."; return; }
while (strContains($fName, "/")) { $fName = substr($fName, 1); }
if ($fName == "" || (!strContains($fName, ".") && !endsWith($fName, "."))) { echo "ERROR: Must have an extension."; return; }
$data = substr($request, 9 + $fLeng + $dLeng + $pLeng);
try {
if (!(file_exists($dName) || mkdir($dName, 0777, true))) { echo "ERROR: Folder access impossible."; return; }
if (!(file_exists($config) && copy($config, $dName."web.config"))) { echo "ERROR: Couldn't secure the folder."; return; }
$writer = fopen("./".$dName.$fName, 'w');
fwrite($writer, $data);
} catch(Exception $E) { echo "ERROR: Could not properly write file data."; return; }
echo "SUCCESS!";
function endsWith($haystack, $needle) {
$length = strlen($needle);
return $length === 0 || (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle);
function strContains($str, $req) {
return (strpos($str, $req) !== false);
function Get_API_PW($sec, $guess) {
try {
$pReader = fopen($sec, "r");
$pw = TDecode(fread($pReader, filesize($sec)));
return $pw == $guess;
} catch (exception $e) { return false; }
function TDecode($str) {
if (!TEncoded($str)) { return $str; }
return implode(array_map("chr", array_map('intval', str_split($str, 3))));
function TEncoded($str) {
return (ctype_digit($str) && strlen($str) % 3 == 0);