
时间:2018-06-15 08:18:08

标签: c# ssis

我有一个SSIS包,可以将数据从Microsoft Access复制到SQL Server。这两组表几乎相同。


问题:程序包生成过程要求在运行C#时存在源(Access)和目标(SQL Server)。这对我们当前的流程来说效果不佳。所以我想要:

  • 以编程方式提供表和列(SQL和Access表是从XML元数据生成的,因此我们可以使用相同的元数据向SSIS提供表和列)
  • 在加载包时,运行一些C#来修改包,即ReinitializeMetaData等。


更多细节:我一直在使用以下SSIS代码(来自Microsoft的示例)。我想我想要运行一些东西而不必执行AcquireConnections或ReinitializeMetaData - 我想自己提供元数据。显然,我提供的内容必须与验证和运行包时实际存在的内容完全匹配。

public IDTSComponentMetaData100 AddDestAdapter(IDTSPipeline100 pipeline, ConnectionManager destConnMgr, out IDTSDesigntimeComponent100 destDesignTimeComp)
    IDTSComponentMetaData100 destComp = pipeline.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
    destComp.ComponentClassID = OLEDB_DEST_GUID;
    destComp.ValidateExternalMetadata = true;
    destDesignTimeComp = destComp.Instantiate();
    destComp.Name = "OleDB Destination - Sql Server";
    destDesignTimeComp.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 0);
    destDesignTimeComp.SetComponentProperty("OpenRowset", quotedTableName);

    // set connection
    destComp.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.GetExtendedInterface(destConnMgr);
    destComp.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = destConnMgr.ID;

    // get metadata

    extCols = destComp.InputCollection[0].ExternalMetadataColumnCollection;

    return destComp;

public void AddPathsAndConnectColumns()
    IDTSOutput100 srcOutput = srcComp.OutputCollection[0];
    IDTSOutputColumnCollection100 srcOutputCols = srcOutput.OutputColumnCollection;
    IDTSInput100 destInput = destComp.InputCollection[0];
    IDTSInputColumnCollection100 destInputCols = destInput.InputColumnCollection;
    IDTSExternalMetadataColumnCollection100 destExtCols = destInput.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection;

    Hashtable destColtable = new Hashtable(destExtCols.Count);
    foreach (IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 extCol in destExtCols)
        destColtable.Add(extCol.Name, extCol);

    // colConvertTable stores a pair of columns which need a type conversion
    // colConnectTable stores a pair of columns which dont need a type conversion and can be connected directly.
    Hashtable colConvertTable = new Hashtable(srcOutputCols.Count);
    Hashtable colConnectTable = new Hashtable(srcOutputCols.Count);
    foreach (IDTSOutputColumn100 outputCol in srcOutputCols)
        // Get the column name to look for in the destination.
        // Match column by name if match table is not used.
        String colNameToLookfor = outputCol.Name;

        IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 extCol = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(colNameToLookfor)) ? null : (IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100)destColtable[colNameToLookfor];
        // Does the destination column exist?
        if (extCol != null)
                colConnectTable.Add(outputCol.ID, extCol);

    // Convert transform not needed. Connect src and destination directly.
    pipeline.PathCollection.New().AttachPathAndPropagateNotifications(srcOutput, destInput);

    IDTSVirtualInput100 destVirInput = destInput.GetVirtualInput();

    foreach (object key in colConnectTable.Keys)
        int colID = (int)key;
        IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 extCol = (IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100)colConnectTable[key];
        // Create an input column from an output col of previous component.
        destVirInput.SetUsageType(colID, DTSUsageType.UT_READONLY);
        IDTSInputColumn100 inputCol = destInputCols.GetInputColumnByLineageID(colID);
        if (inputCol != null)
            // map the input column with an external metadata column
            destDesignTimeComp.MapInputColumn(destInput.ID, inputCol.ID, extCol.ID);


  • This MSDN thread 是一个有同样问题的人(虽然没有具体的解决方案)
  • 从对BIML的一些调查来看,似乎BIML struggles with the same issues(OfflineSchema似乎可能会起作用,虽然我对它有点警惕,因为我在互联网上找不到一个例子)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100IDTSExternalMetadataColumnCollection100是您正在寻找的用例的朋友。当对AcquireConnections,ReinitializeMetaData,ReleaseConnections的调用成功时,从外部源获取有关外部列的元数据并填充在集合中,并且每个外部列都映射到IDTSInputColumn100 / IDTSOutputColumn100列(取决于组件的类型)。这些调用负责获取元数据并创建所需的IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100和IDTSInputColumn100 / IDTSOutputColumn100列集合。

不幸的是,(至少在我知道的范围内),我们无法覆盖ReinitializeMetaData方法(此外,覆盖可能会导致其他问题,因此最好不要覆盖它们)。但我们仍然可以达到最终结果,尽管是以更详细的方式。这意味着我们将自己创建所需的IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100和IDTSInputColumn100 / IDTSOutputColumn100列(以编程方式)。



namespace ConsoleApplication5
// A struct ot represent an external column
public struct Column
    public String Name;
    public String SSISDataType;
    public int Length;
    public int Precision;
    public int Scale;
    public int CodePage;

    public Column(String name, String ssisDataType, int length, int precision, int scale, int codePage)
        Name = name;
        SSISDataType = ssisDataType;
        Length = length;
        Precision = precision;
        Scale = scale;
        CodePage = codePage;

public class Packager
    public Packager()

    private void build()
        #region Package Related
        // Package related
        Package package = new Package();
        Executable e = package.Executables.Add("STOCK:PipelineTask");
        TaskHost thMainPipe = e as TaskHost;
        MainPipe dataFlowTask = thMainPipe.InnerObject as MainPipe;
        thMainPipe.Name = "MyDFT";
        thMainPipe.DelayValidation = true;

        #region Add Connection Manager
        // Add Connection Manager
        ConnectionManager cm = package.Connections.Add("OLEDB");
        cm.Name = "OLEDB ConnectionManager";
        cm.ConnectionString = "Data Source=(local);" +
          "Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;" +
          "Integrated Security=SSPI;";

        #region Add a OleDB Source and set up basic properties
        // Add an OLE DB source to the data flow.  
        IDTSComponentMetaData100 component = dataFlowTask.ComponentMetaDataCollection.New();
        component.Name = "OLEDBSource";
        component.ComponentClassID = "Microsoft.OLEDBSource"; // check for the exact component class ID on your machine

        // Get the design time instance of the component.  
        CManagedComponentWrapper instance = component.Instantiate();

        // Initialize the component  

        // Specify the connection manager.  
        if (component.RuntimeConnectionCollection.Count > 0)
            component.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager = DtsConvert.GetExtendedInterface(package.Connections[0]);
            component.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManagerID = package.Connections[0].ID;

        // Set the custom properties.  
        instance.SetComponentProperty("AccessMode", 2);
        instance.SetComponentProperty("SqlCommand", "Select * from Production.Product");

        #region Core example showcasing use of IDTSExternalMetadataColumn when external data source is not available.

        // Typically here we call acquireconnection, reinitmetadata etc to get the metadata from a data source that exists.
        // Instead we will populate the metadata ourselves

        #region Get External Columns Metadata
        // Get the collection of external columns
        List<Column> externalColumns = new List<Column>();

        // Hard Coding Here. But grab them from your metadata source programmatically.
        Column columnA = new Column("col_a", "DT_STR", 24, 0, 0, 1252);
        Column columnB = new Column("col_b", "DT_STR", 36, 0, 0, 1252);
        Column columnC = new Column("col_c", "DT_STR", 48, 0, 0, 1252);

        #region Add External Columns to our required IDTSOutput100
        // Grab the appropriate output as needed. We will be adding ExternalColumns to this Output
        IDTSOutput100 output = component.OutputCollection[0];

        // Add each external column to the above IDTSOutPut
        foreach (Column extCol in externalColumns)
            IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 col = output.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection.New();
            col.Name = extCol.Name;
            col.Scale = extCol.Scale;
            col.Precision = extCol.Precision;
            col.Length = extCol.Length;
            col.CodePage = extCol.CodePage;
            col.DataType = (Wrapper.DataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Wrapper.DataType), extCol.SSISDataType);

        #region Create OutputColumn if it does not exist/or grab the output column if it Exists. Then associate it to the External Column

        // Now associate the External Column to an Output Column.
        // Here, we will simply associate the external column to an output column if the name matches (because of our use case)
        foreach (IDTSExternalMetadataColumn100 extCol in output.ExternalMetadataColumnCollection)
            bool outputColExists = false;

            // Set DataTypes and Associate with external column if output col exists
            foreach (IDTSOutputColumn100 outputCol in output.OutputColumnCollection)
                if (outputCol.Name == extCol.Name) // is map based on name
                    // Set the data type properties
                    outputCol.SetDataTypeProperties(extCol.DataType, extCol.Length, extCol.Precision, extCol.Scale, extCol.CodePage);

                    // Associate the external column and the output column
                    outputCol.ExternalMetadataColumnID = extCol.ID;

                    outputColExists = true;

            // Create an IDTSOutputColumn if not exists. 
            if (!(outputColExists))
                IDTSOutputColumn100 outputCol = output.OutputColumnCollection.New();
                outputCol.Name = extCol.Name;  // map is based on name

                // Set the data type properties
                outputCol.SetDataTypeProperties(extCol.DataType, extCol.Length, extCol.Precision, extCol.Scale, extCol.CodePage);

                // Associate the external column and the output column
                outputCol.ExternalMetadataColumnID = extCol.ID;


        #region Save the Package to disk

        new Application().SaveToXml(@"C:\Temp\Pkg.dtsx", package, null);



答案 1 :(得分:0)

只需使用BimlExpress,这是Visual Studio的免费插件。它提供了极大的灵活性,而无需与DTS API进行无聊且易于出错的交互。